Non-Standard Paper Sizes for Printing Physical and Virtually? Not a Problem with LEADTOOLS!

LEADTOOLS Support recently had a case where a customer was using an old AS/400 machine, a dot matrix printer that is often used with COBOL or Fortran to print results. The issue they faced was that while normal standard letter paper is 8.5” x 11”, this machine printed paper at 15” x 12”.

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See Us In Seattle at Microsoft Build 2024!

Microsoft Build is just around the corner – May 21st-23rd and LEADTOOLS is a Featured Partner once again! Join us, peers, and Microsoft leaders to explore the latest innovations in code and application development. Build is THE premiere developer conference with topics focused on AI Development, Cloud Platform, Copilot, Data & Analytics, Developer Tools, Low-code, Security, and Windows. Catch LEADTOOLS both digitally and in Seattle again this year and read on to learn more about our sessions, giveaways, and more!

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Capture it all with LEADTOOLS Multi-Capture Video Support

Being able to capture audio and video from multiple sources is useful for a range of industries, from conducting online meetings, webinars, or conferences to creating content online or instructional videos to enhance the learning experience. The new LEADTOOLS Multi-Capture Video Support gives developers the power to build powerful video streaming applications with ease. This technology is new with V23 and not only does it do the work for you, but it allows you to use a wide variety of supported input sources to capture all the angles you need!

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LEADTOOLS New Multimedia Speech Recognition Demo

With LEADTOOLS V23, comes new demos! Our new Multimedia Speech Recognition Demo is able to take in any of our supported video file formats and transcribe a script based on the words that are being spoken. This blog will go over some of the features in this powerful demo application.

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New in V23: LEADTOOLS React Medical Web Viewer

With the recent release of V23, we showcased LEADTOOLS’ innovation by continuing to modernize our technology to align with current standards, enhance functionality, improve performance, and meet evolving user needs. Included in V23 is our new React Medical Web Viewer which gives developers the freedom to integrate individual features of the demo or the entire feature-set within their applications depending on your unique use-cases and needs.

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