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Leadtools Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
Overview and description of raster imaging classes, enumerations, and structures.


ClassLeadtoolsException Base class for all exception classes thrown by LEADTOOLS.
ClassRasterBufferConverter Provides support for converting image data buffers.
ClassRasterBufferResize Provides support for resizing image data buffers.
ClassGeneric RasterCollection Represents a generic collection of objects.
ClassGeneric RasterCollectionEventArgs Provides information for RasterCollection<T>.ItemAdded and RasterCollection<T>.ItemRemoved methods.
ClassRasterColorSpace Provides support for converting buffered image data from one color space to another.
ClassRasterCommentMetadata Extends the RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with comment metadata stored within various image file formats.
ClassRasterCurve Defines a curve.
ClassRasterDefaults Specifes the default extra values used when creating RasterImage objects.
ClassRasterException The exception that is thrown when a LEADTOOLS error occurs.
ClassRasterImage The RasterImage class serves as a working area for image manipulation and conversion. LEADTOOLS functions use this class for accessing the image in memory and for maintaining the characteristics of the image.
ClassRasterImageChangedEventArgs Provides data for the RasterImage.Changed event.
ClassRasterImageGdiPlusGraphicsContainer Encapsulates a GDI+ objects used when creating a Graphics surface of a RasterImage.
ClassRasterImagePagesChangedEventArgs Provides data for the RasterImage.PagesChanged event.
ClassRasterImageResize Provides support for resizing images.
ClassRasterImageResizeEventArgs Provides data for the RasterImageResize.Resize event.
ClassRasterMarkerMetadata Extends the RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with marker metadata stored within various image file formats.
ClassRasterMetadata Provides base functionality for dealing with metadata stored in various image file formats.
ClassRasterOverlayAttributes Contains the overlay attributes of a DICOM image.
ClassRasterPalette Encapsulates and provides support for managing image palettes.
ClassRasterRegionXForm Provides data for translating between region coordinates and external representations of those coordinates.
ClassRasterRleCompressor Provides support for working with compressed image data buffers.
ClassRasterSupport The RasterSupport class provides methods for unlocking support for optional LEADTOOLS features, such as LEADTOOLS Document/Medical capabilities.
ClassRasterTagMetadata Extends the RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with tag metadata stored within various image file formats.
ClassTransformer Helper class used for converting physical to logical coordinates and vise-versa based on a given matrix.


StructureRasterColor Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue.
StructureRasterHsvColor Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of hue, saturation, value.
StructureRasterImageMemoryInformation Stores information about the memory allocated for the RasterImage's data.
StructureRasterMemoryThreshold Holds the memory restrictions used when allocating new RasterImage objects.
StructureRasterMetadataRational Encapsulates a rational value, for use with classes derived from RasterMetadata.
StructureRasterMetadataURational Encapsulates an unsinged rational value, for use with classes derived from RasterMetadata.
StructureRasterNativeBuffer Holds a native (unmanaged) pointer and its length.
StructureRasterPaintProperties Controls the speed, quality, and style used when painting a RasterImage object.


EnumerationChangeToGdiPlusImageFlags Indicates options for converting to a GDI+ Image.
EnumerationRasterByteOrder Indicates the color byte order of the image data
EnumerationRasterColorSpaceFormat16 Indicates the raster image data 16-bit colorspace format.
EnumerationRasterColorSpaceFormat8 Indicates the raster image data 8-bit colorspace format.
EnumerationRasterCommentMetadataDataType Indicates the data type for a metadata comment.
EnumerationRasterCommentMetadataType List of available metadata comments.
EnumerationRasterCompression Indicates the compression type for the image data.
EnumerationRasterConvertBufferFlags Options for the RasterBufferConverter.Convert method.
EnumerationRasterConvertToDibType Options for converting image to Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).
EnumerationRasterCurveClose Indicates how to close the curve.
EnumerationRasterCurveType Indicates the type of curve that is being defined.
EnumerationRasterDitheringMethod Indicates the dithering method used for the image
EnumerationRasterExceptionCode Used as a value for the RasterException.Code property.
EnumerationRasterGdiPlusIncompatibleReason Indicates the reason that the LEAD Raster image is not compatible with GDI+
EnumerationRasterGetSetOverlayAttributesFlags Determines which attributes are to be retrieved or changed.
EnumerationRasterGetSetOverlayImageMode Determines how to set or retrieve the overlay RasterImage.
EnumerationRasterGrayscaleMode Indicates the kind of grayscale palette, if any, that an image has.
EnumerationRasterImageChangedFlags Indicates the type(s) of change that has occurred in a RasterImage
EnumerationRasterImageFormat Indicates the image file format.
EnumerationRasterImageInformationFlags Indicates which members of the RasterImageMemoryInformation structure are valid.
EnumerationRasterImagePagesChangedAction Indicates whether pages are added, removed or inserted from a RasterImage object.
EnumerationRasterImageUnderlayFlags Indicators of how the underlying image is to be positioned.
EnumerationRasterKernelType Indicates the Leadtools Kernel type.
EnumerationRasterMemoryFlags Indicates the type of memory to allocate
EnumerationRasterMetadataFlags Indicates the type of metadata.
EnumerationRasterPaintAlignMode Determines how to align the image in the destination rectangle.
EnumerationRasterPaintDisplayModeFlags Contains value that controls the speed, quality, and style of painting operations.
EnumerationRasterPaintEngine Indicates the painting engine to use when rendering images.
EnumerationRasterPaintSizeMode Determines how to fit the image in the destination rectangle.
EnumerationRasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags Indicates how the range is used to fill and type of the the lookup table and whether it contains signed or unsigned data.
EnumerationRasterRegionCombineMode Controls the creation of an image region
EnumerationRasterSizeFlags Flags which control the behaviour of image resize methods
EnumerationRasterSupportType Indicates the optional LEADTOOLS feature to check or unlock.
EnumerationRasterTagMetadataDataType Indicates the data type for a metadata tag.
EnumerationRasterUpdateOverlayBitsFlags Determines whether the main image or the overlay image should be updated.
EnumerationRasterViewPerspective Indicates the view perspective of the image data
EnumerationRasterWindowLevelMode Indicates whether window level changes are used by the paint and image processing functions or only by the paint functions

See Also