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GetUserLookupTable Method
See Also  Example
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects Namespace > EffectsUtilities Class : GetUserLookupTable Method

Lookup table array to be filled by this method.
Array of Point structures that contain the points on the curve used to update the lookup table.
Updates the lookup table, based on a curve that passes through the specified points.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Shared Function GetUserLookupTable( _
   ByVal lookupTable() As Integer, _
   ByVal userPoints() As Point _
) As Integer
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim lookupTable() As Integer
Dim userPoints() As Point
Dim value As Integer
value = EffectsUtilities.GetUserLookupTable(lookupTable, userPoints)
public static int GetUserLookupTable( 
   int[] lookupTable,
   Point[] userPoints
Managed Extensions for C++ 
public: static int GetUserLookupTable( 
   int[] lookupTable,
   Point[] userPoints
static int GetUserLookupTable( 
   array<int> lookupTable,
   array<Point> userPoints


Lookup table array to be filled by this method.
Array of Point structures that contain the points on the curve used to update the lookup table.

Return Value

return the number of entries in the lookup table array that were actually updated by this method.


Visual BasicCopy Code
   Public Sub GetUserLookupTableExample()
      Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs()
      codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = True

      Dim leadImage As RasterImage = codecs.Load("C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Images\Master.jpg")

      ' Prepare the command
      Dim LookupTable() As Integer
      ReDim LookupTable(255)
      Dim UserPoint() As Point
      ReDim UserPoint(2)

      UserPoint(0) = New Point(0, 0)
      UserPoint(1) = New Point(128, 150)
      UserPoint(2) = New Point(255, 255)

      'Get Lookup table where the array effected by user data method.
      EffectsUtilities.GetUserLookupTable(LookupTable, UserPoint)
      Dim command As RemapIntensityCommand = New RemapIntensityCommand
      command.Flags = RemapIntensityCommandFlags.Master
      command.LookupTable = LookupTable
      codecs.Save(leadImage, "C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Images\Result.jpg", RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, 24)

   End Sub
C#Copy Code
      public void GetUserLookupTableExample() 
         // Load an image 
         RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
         codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = true; 
         RasterImage image = codecs.Load(@"C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Images\Master.jpg"); 
         // Prepare the command 
         int[] LookupTable = new int[256]; 
         Point[] UserPoint = new Point[3]; 
         UserPoint[0] = new Point(0, 0); 
         UserPoint[1] = new Point(128,150); 
         UserPoint[2] = new Point(255,255); 
         //Get Lookup table where the array effected by user data method. 
         EffectsUtilities.GetUserLookupTable(LookupTable, UserPoint); 
         RemapIntensityCommand command = new RemapIntensityCommand(); 
         command.Flags = RemapIntensityCommandFlags.Master; 
         command.LookupTable = LookupTable; 
         codecs.Save(image, @"C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Images\Result.jpg", RasterImageFormat.Jpeg, 24); 


  • This method will update the lookup table array using the best curve that passes through the points specified in the userPoint array. The points in the array do not need to be sorted. In most cases, this method is used with the RemapIntensityCommand method.
  • The length of the lookup table array depends upon the number of bits being used, as follows:
    6553616-bit / sample image
    4096 12-bit / sample image
    256256 8-bit / sample image


Target Platforms: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family

See Also