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WICLeadJb2Flags Enumerated Type
See Also

Specifies whether to remove unwanted JBIG2 segments and whether to use the dictionary for text symbols.


typedef enum WICLeadJb2Flags{
        WICLeadJb2FlagNone= 0,
        WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveMarker= 0x0001,
        WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveHeaderSegment= 0x0002,
        WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveEopSegment= 0x0004,
        WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveEofSetment= 0x0008,
        WICLeadJb2FlagEnableDictionary= 0x0100,
  } WICLeadJb2Flags;


This enumeration is used with the Jb2_Flags property bag item when saving JBIG2 files.

WICLeadJb2Flags Meaning
WICLeadJb2FlagNone No action.
WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveMarker Remove the two bytes marker from the generic region segment data.
WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveHeaderSegment Remove the JBIG2 header.
WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveEopSegment Remove the End Of Page segment.
WICLeadJb2FlagRemoveEofSetment Remove the End Of File segment.
WICLeadJb2FlagEnableDictionary Enable the encoder to use the text symbol dictionary.



You can use a bit-wise OR to specify more than one flag.  For more information, refer to the Jb2_Flags property bag item.

See Also
