Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.File Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version
RasterOpenDialog Class Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.File Namespace : RasterOpenDialog Class

For a list of all members of this type, see RasterOpenDialog members.

Public Properties

Public PropertyCheckFileExists Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box displays a warning if the user specifies a file name that does not exist.  
Public PropertyCheckPathExists Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box displays a warning if the user specifies a path that does not exist.  
Public PropertyDefaultExt Gets or sets the default file name extension.  
Public PropertyDereferenceLinks Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box returns the location of the file referenced by the shortcut or whether it returns the location of the shortcut (.lnk).  
Public PropertyEnableSizing Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the dialog box supports sizing.  
Public PropertyFileName Gets or sets a string containing the file name selected in the file dialog box.  
Public PropertyFilter Gets or sets the current file name filters array, which determines the choices that appear in the "Files of type" box in the dialog box.  
Public PropertyFilterIndex Gets or sets the index of the filter currently selected in the file dialog box  
Public PropertyGenerateThumbnail Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the dialog will generate a thumbnail image from the image file.  
Public PropertyInitialDirectory Gets or sets the initial directory displayed by the file dialog box.  
Public PropertyInitialView Specifies the initial view for the Open dialog  
Public PropertyLoadCompressed Gets or sets the initial value for the Load Compressed check box in the File Load Options dialog and the RasterDialogFileData.LoadCompressed value associated with selected file(s).  
Public PropertyLoadFileImage Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Open dialog box will load the selected image file(s) in RasterDialogFileData.Image associated with each file in the OpenedFileData list.  
Public PropertyLoadOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Show Load Options check box in the Open dialog box will be selected, in which case the File Load Options dialog box will appear when the Open button is clicked.  
Public PropertyLoadRotated Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Load Rotated check box in the File Load Options dialog box is selected by default.  
Public PropertyMultiselect Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box allows multiple files to be selected.  
Public PropertyOpenedFileData Gets a RasterDialogFileData list object containing the names and loading options for the selected files.  
Public PropertyPreviewWindowVisible Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the Preview window if ShowPreview is true.  
Public PropertyShowDeletePage Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Open dialog box will contain the Delete Page button option if ShowMultipage is true.  
Public PropertyShowFileInformation Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Open dialog box will contain the File Info button.  
Public PropertyShowGeneralOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will display the General tab.  
Public PropertyShowHelp Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Help button(s) in the Open dialog box and its sub-dialogs will be displayed.  
Public PropertyShowLoadCompressed Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will display the Load Compressed check box.  
Public PropertyShowLoadOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Open dialog box will display the Load Options check box.  
Public PropertyShowLoadRotated Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will contain the Load Rotated check box.  
Public PropertyShowMultipage Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Open dialog box and the File Load Options dialog box will display the Page number combo box.  
Public PropertyShowPdfOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will display the Pdf Options tab.  
Public PropertyShowPreview Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Open dialog box will display the Preview window.  
Public PropertyShowProgressive Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will display the Progressive Passes drop-down list box.  
Public PropertyShowRasterizeDocumentOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will display the Rasterize Document Options tab.  
Public PropertyShowRasterOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will display the Raster Options tab.  
Public PropertyShowTotalPages Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Info dialog box will display the current page number and the total file pages number.  
Public PropertyShowXlsOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will display the XLS Microsoft Office Excel Workbook (XLS) Options tab.  
Public PropertyShowXpsOptions Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the File Load Options dialog box will display the XML Paper Specification (XPS) Options tab.  
Public PropertyTitle Gets or sets the title of the Open file dialog box.  
Public PropertyUseFileStamptoPreview Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Open dialog box will use the image stamp to fill the Preview Window, if there is one; otherwise it will use the file image itself.  

See Also