Size method (Main Control)

Visual Basic example
Visual C++ 4.0 example

Access 2.0 example

Access 95, 97 example
Visual J++ example

Syntax short Size (float fWidth, float fHeight, short iFlags);

Overview:  Refer to Examining and Altering Bitmaps.


Resizes the bitmap to a new width and height.

This changes the storage requirements of the bitmap, and it is not the same as scaling the display (zooming out or zooming in).

Passing 0 for fWidth will cause the method to preserve the aspect ratio by automatically computing fWidth based on the fHeight argument. The same holds true if passing 0 for fHeight. Note that the method will return an error if passing nWidth=0 and nHeight = 0.

See Also


Topics:  Raster Images: Doing Geometric Transformations
Raster Images: Methods That Transform the Region and the Bitmap (Document/Medical only)