Comment property (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

System::Variant Comment(int nIndex);

Delphi Syntax

Comment(nIndex: Integer): Variant;


Refer to Maintaining File Comments.


Is the array of comments to be saved with the next call of the Save or SaveMemory method.


When LEADTOOLS saves a TIFF/Exif image that contains comments and tags, the comments and tags will be written first, followed by the image data. This order is not configurable.

Some file formats can contain comments, and some cannot, and each file format has its own set of comment types. With the Comment property, you can get and set the value of any comment in the array. The index into the array (specified using a constant) determines the type of comment, as described in Types of File Comments.

There is only one array of comments for your application, regardless of how may Main Controls your application contains. You control the contents of the array; loading or saving a file does not initialize the array. You can clear the array by setting each element of the array to Empty.

If you want to preserve existing comments in a file when you save an image, you must use the ReadComment method to update the array.

See Also


ReadComment method