
CreateBitmap method (Main Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi example


Builder Syntax

int CreateBitmap (int nWidth, int nHeight, int iBitsPerPixel);

Delphi Syntax

CreateBitmap (nWidth, nHeight: Integer; iBitsPerPixel: Integer): Integer;


Refer to Copying and Creating Bitmaps.


Initializes and allocates the bitmap, without loading any data.

If you specify 8 bits per pixel or less, the bitmap is created with LEAD's fixed palette. If you specify 0 bits per pixel, for grayscale, the bitmap is created as an 8-bit image with a grayscale palette. If you need to change the palette, refer to the ColorRes method.

The newly created bitmap is inserted at the beginning of the bitmap list.

See Also


Raster Images: Creating and Deleting Images


Raster Images: Palettes