ActivePageIndex property (ILEADRasterDocument)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short ActivePageIndex


Refer to Drawing Pages and Zones


Specifies the index of the page to be drawn. This index is zero-based.

This property must be set before calling the DrawPage method. The value of this property must be the same as the page index value passed to the DrawPage method, for the correct page to be drawn.

See Also


DrawPage method, DrawPersistence property, EnableShowZones property, SelectedZonePenColor property, SelectedZonePenStyle property, SelectedZonePenWidth property, UpdatePage method, UpdateZoneArea method, SelectZoneByPoint method, SelectZone method, SetZonePen method, SetSelectedZonePen method, SelectedZone property, RemoveSelectedZone method, ZonePenColor property, ZonePenStyle property, ZonePenWidth property


Quick Reference OCR: Drawing Pages and Zones