Simplified ASP.NET Web Forms OCR Demo

HTML5 is certainly the way of the future, but as many web developers know, adoption can be slow. In many cases, older browsers such as IE8 is still in use enterprise-wide and a lightweight, feature packed solution is still required. … Continue reading

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New White Paper: DICOM Media Creation Management Solutions with LEADTOOLS

If you’ve ever had an MRI, CT or large number of X-rays during a medical visit, chances are you hoped to get a copy of your images to show your family, friends or another doctor. Not too many years ago … Continue reading

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Cleaning Up Color Images with LEADTOOLS Document Imaging

One of the most foundational features in document imaging is image cleanup (also called preprocessing). When paper documents are scanned to digital form there are almost always imperfections. The paper can be at an angle, hole punches leave large black … Continue reading

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Free Annotations Mobile Apps Now Available for iOS, Android, WinRT and Windows Phone

With more than a year under its belt, LEADTOOLS Anywhere™ is continuing to push the digital imaging software development kit market forward with its native libraries for iOS, OS X, Android, WinRT, Windows Phone and more. This week we have … Continue reading

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New White Paper: Harnessing MPEG-2 Transport Stream with LEADTOOLS

Streaming audio/video multimedia content takes a prominent place in today’s culture. It is everywhere from home entertainment services, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), security and surveillance systems, and even baby monitors. What you might not know is that one format powers … Continue reading

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