Online Documentation Enhancements

Screenshot of new .NET webhelp Some of you may have noticed already, but our web-based .NET documentation has gone through a major renovation and upgrade. Our documentation team has been collecting feedback and requests for a while and had a … Continue reading

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New White Paper: Using LEADTOOLS OCR to Enhance Google Drive Search

Back by popular demand are LEAD white papers! There are many ways that we here at LEAD get the word out on how to use LEADTOOLS to create real-world solutions including this blog, CodeProject articles, support forums, code tips and … Continue reading

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Using JSON in Android for DICOM Communication

We have received several requests regarding PACS and DICOM Communication within our Android imaging SDK. One way of accomplishing this is by using JSON to communicate with the RESTful web services included with the HTML5 Zero Footprint DICOM Viewer. The … Continue reading

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