Categories: Medical Imaging

New White Paper: HTML5 Zero-footprint Viewer for DICOM and PACS

Have you ever tried to replicate a feature from a desktop application in a browser and found it just wasn’t up to par? Perhaps JavaScript or ASP.NET just wasn’t cutting it and giving you the quick and snappy user interface you wanted. Or maybe your requirement couldn’t be done on the client side at all and you had to work around that issue by sending a job off to the server and wait for a response.

These kinds of complaints are common in the healthcare industry with its specialized 16-bit grayscale DICOM images. In our latest white paper, we will show how the LEADTOOLS HTML5 Zero-footprint Medical Viewer can significantly shrink your development task list and provide outstanding performance and user experience for your customers.

HTML5 Zero-footprint Viewer for DICOM and PACS
The demand for zero-footprint applications is growing rapidly, especially in the healthcare industry with the increasing popularity and usage of tablets and mobile devices by healthcare providers. There are many ways to display DICOM images and communicate with a PACS over the web or intranet in a zero-footprint manner, but not all applications are created equal. Any zero-footprint application must do a significant portion of work at the server, but this typically causes a tradeoff in features and performance for which developers must find the proper balance. LEADTOOLS overcomes these problems with an advanced AngularJS framework that is able to query any PACS and window level and annotate 16-bit grayscale images on an HTML5 canvas.

If you would like to read it in an online format, we have also published this white paper on The CodeProject and split it into two parts:

Walter: LEAD Technologies, Inc.