Repurpose Content with ASP.NET Layout Pages

I was recently tasked with updating all of our product descriptions on the MSDN Marketplace site. The requirements were to make sure that all of the product descriptions matched our website exactly and that all of the links included a query string parameter. Manually qualifying and tagging hundreds HREFs and SRCs every quarter is not my idea of a good time; I’d rather write code! Additionally, the MSDN site has some markup quirks that need to be handled consistently.

Manually qualifying and tagging hundreds HREFs and SRCs every quarter is not my idea of a good time…

Fortunately, our website is based on ASP.NET and uses layouts. This means that by changing the layout page and a little code, I was able to reuse the existing content, adjust for the MSDN quirks, and the task became an error-free copy-paste job.

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Faster OCR for Apple and Android – Plus Some Exciting Platform-Specific Updates

The LEADTOOLS Imaging SDK for iOS, macOS, and Android had a significant update recently! Across the board, the OCR engine has been made 3-6x faster and the demo UI was given a significant redesign. In addition, each platform has its own set of platform-specific updates.


  • Barcode demo code was rewritten, resulting in a much faster implementation
  • Added support for android.hardware.camera2, which means live capture support for all modern devices


  • ALL libraries are now dynamic
  • Updated interface for better Swift compatibility

If you want to try the latest version, you can download from here. Additionally, we have various sample applications on the App Store and Google Play available as well.

Finally, if you have any questions or would like a consult on your project, feel free to leave a comment here or contact support.

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Evernote Backup Automation

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am in the process of "Going Paperless." I have decided to use Evernote as my digital repository. (I love the tags!!) One important requirement of my new information repository system is that there has to be a way to back up my data. Unfortunately, Evernote does not include a built-in backup option; however, there is a command line utility to export notes. Since I am semi-dangerous with scripting, I decided to write a batch file to create a consistent and automatic backup system.

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My Paperless Journey Begins

After more than 20 years of working for a company that produces the leading document imaging SDK and a card carrying member of AIIM, I finally decided that it was time to personally go paperless. There are many motivations behind this decision, including reducing clutter, better protection for my data, and better access to information when and where I need it.

One of the things that was holding me back in the past was finding a system that I trusted to store my data. My definition of a trusted system is a system where I know my data is secure, safe, and available. Additionally, I need to be able capture data from anywhere, including Internet, e-mail, snail mail, and out in the real world. I was trying a combination of OneNote and OneDrive, but I was not completely happy with it and never totally dove in. Then, I discovered Evernote. I had heard about Evernote in the past, but thought of it as just a non-Microsoft replacement of OneNote. However, once I did begin considering it, I found that there are specific features in Evernote that I have not been able to find or use as easily in OneNote that can make it my trusted system.

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Protect Personal Information with LEADTOOLS

The protection of privacy is at the forefront of concerns for many organizations that need to distribute information. One way to do this is to redact private information from an image or document before releasing it. Recently we had a customer ask how to do this with LEADTOOLS.

Using LEADTOOLS, a user would load an image or a document as an image, use the redaction annotation object to “black-out” the text, and then burn the redaction into the image. Once the protected information is redacted, the image can then be saved as a text searchable PDF so the remaining text can be indexed or searched.

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