How to Win Big in Vegas with LEADTOOLS

LEAD Technologies will be in Las Vegas for the 2016 HIMSS Conference from February 29th through March 4th.

Now we want to tell you how you can WIN BIG just by stopping by. Each day from Tuesday March 1st until Thursday March 3rd, LEAD will be giving away $500 worth of Bellagio Casino chips to one lucky winner per day. Which means if you’re really lucky, you could win $1500 from us. All you have to do is head over to Booth #5259 during the expo hours to enter! We’ll have the drawing times posted on-site.

If you or anyone on your team is attending the conference, we will have our senior sales engineers available to consult with you or your colleagues on any new or existing projects you are working on and to tell you about all the latest in LEADTOOLS Version 19. If you’re interested, contact Sales as soon as possible to set up a meeting time.

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MakeCert Hell

A few weeks ago, I was asked to help technical support with a new feature we are adding to our Media Streaming Server. Our developers added SSL to the Media Streaming Server, and technical support needed some SSL certificates for development and testing before we release it in mid-February.

Some years ago, I worked in the IT department, and I never delete anything. I just happened to have a few scripts that could help them streamline self-signed certificate creation.

   makecert -sv SignRoot.pvk -cy authority -r signroot.cer ^
      -n "CN=Certification Authority for Development" -ss root ^
      -sr localmachine

   makecert -iv SignRoot.pvk -ic signroot.cer -cy end -pe -n CN="" ^
      -eku -ss my -sr localmachine -sky exchange ^
      -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12

These scripts had worked for me in the past, so I shared them with the group. A few days later Travis, one of the support engineers, told me that the scripts were not working. I went over to investigate. Because these scripts had always worked for me in the past, I pulled a Nick Burns, "Moooove!" because it had to be something Travis was doing wrong. I ran through the scripts, and everything seemed to be working.

But as I confidently looked away from the screen to look at Travis as I clicked the link, Chrome failed with a weak cipher error. A red-faced search of the error showed that the problem was that the certificate I had created had been signed using SHA128. Modern browsers require certificates to be signed with at least SHA256. That should be an easy parameter change fix; perhaps I can still save some face.

Unfortunate for me, Murphy was laying down the law that day. This was an old test machine and the version of MakeCert in the Windows 7.1 SDK bin folder was too old. To confuse things even more, the documentation for MakeCert.exe ".NET Framework (current version)" — I cannot emphasize the CURRENT VERSION part enough — is nothing but a link to the OLD documentation that says nothing about SHA256. Good grief!

More searching… I finally found the documentation for the latest version of MakeCert. Long story short, SHA256 first became available in MakeCert.exe 4.5, which is included with Visual Studio 2012 and later. Interesting side note: SHA128 is still the default in MakeCert 4.5.

Finally, the solution!

  1. Start an elevated Visual Studio 2012 or later command prompt. If I could make it flash without causing seizures, I would.
  2. Call MakeCert to create two certificates. One for an authority and another for the end point of
       makecert -sv SignRoot.pvk -cy authority –a sha256 -r signroot.cer ^
          -n "CN=Certification Authority for Development" -ss root -sr localmachine
       makecert -iv SignRoot.pvk -ic signroot.cer -cy end –a sha256 -pe ^
          -n CN="" -eku -ss my -sr localmachine ^
          -sky exchange -sp "Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider" -sy 12
  3. Now, manually bind the certificate to the service with the certificate thumbprint and application GUID like so:
       netsh http add sslcert ipport= ^
          certhash=ff9a8ebcaf68797eff36f8ae9b0739a288292f50 ^

And voila! This time I watched carefully as I clicked the link. Chrome did not complain, and video was streaming over a secure connection!

Besides the LEADTOOLS Media Streaming Server, there are other places where it is useful to have a self-signed SSL certificate for testing and development. Self-signed certificates are great because they are free, easy and — some would argue most importantly — work with modern browsers! Another great example where these are perfect is a self-hosted WCF service class like our web scanning service. When a web page requires HTTPS, like Microsoft CRM, the self-hosted WCF service class must be called over an SSL encrypted connection, but that is a topic for another blog post.

It is my hope that someone out there finds this information useful and is saved the time it took me to figure it out.

Oh by the way, you’re welcome! Seriously, use the time you just saved and watch those Nick Burns videos from the link above.

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LEAD Technologies Received Four ComponentSource Awards

ComponentSource has been our global distributor since 1995. Starting in 2006, ComponentSource started awarding top publishers and software based on sales for the year. LEAD and LEADTOOLS have received an award every year since.

There are two sets of awards: ComponentSource Bestselling Product Awards for 2014-2015 and ComponentSource Bestselling Publisher Awards for 2014-2015. The allocation of the awards was calculated based on ComponentSource global sales orders during 2014.

For 2014-2015, LEAD Technologies was recognized as a Top 25 Bestselling Publisher. LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite, Document Imaging and PACS Imaging were recognized as Top 100 Bestselling Products.

Publisher Award

  • LEAD Technologies – Top 25 Publisher Award

Product Awards

  • LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite SDK – Top 100 Product Award
  • LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDK – Top 100 Product Award
  • LEADTOOLS PACS Imaging SDK – Top 100 Product Award

See the Publisher Awards page:

See the Product Awards page:

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LEADTOOLS Wins Visual Studio Magazine’s 2015 Reader’s Choice Awards

2015 Visual Studio Magazine Readers Choice Award Gold Award
2015 Visual Studio Magazine Readers Choice Award Gold Award
2015 Visual Studio Magazine Readers Choice Award Bronze Medal

Visual Studio Magazine announced the winners of its 22nd annual Reader’s Choice Awards. The 2015 winners were chosen by the readers of Visual Studio Magazine and honor the best Visual Studio-related tools and services in 31 categories.

LEAD Technologies is proud to be awarded Gold in two categories and Bronze in a third.

The awards are based on the responses of hundreds of Visual Studio Magazine subscribers. An e-mail invitation was sent to subscribers and responses were collected from Sep. 23 to Oct. 13, 2015. The online ballot, which was compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine, included more than 400 products.

Gold in Component: Imaging, Image Processing & Drawing Tools

Document Imaging Suite
Gold in Component: Multi-Document Processing

Bronze in Component: Text, OCR, Scanning & Barcode

LEAD is thankful to its many loyal customers that support LEAD and LEADTOOLS.

To see the full article from Visual Studio Magazine, you can download the PDF from their website.

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Major Updates to Document and Medical SDKs Are Available

LEADTOOLS v19 icon

LEAD Technologies is pleased to announce the release of a major update to the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Product lines. The headliner of this update is the Advantage OCR engine, which boasts a plethora of improvements which contribute to a significant increase in overall speed and accuracy.

Keep reading below to see a list of all the improvements in this update. You can also read the official press release.

What’s new in the LEADTOOLS Document Engine


  • 82% speed boost to overall performance of Advantage OCR engine
  • Faster page insertion
  • Improved recognition accuracy
  • Higher accuracy of font-size detection through improved noise removal
  • Enhanced spell checker speed by 100%
  • Optimized memory usage during AutoZone
  • Table detection 50% faster


  • Parse, edit and save modified PDF forms
  • Read and write PDF Digital Signature
  • Native memory support
  • Memory enhancements when loading large PDF documents
  • Optimized extraction of PDF file information including internal links, bookmarks, etc.
  • Speed improvements to loading and saving SVG PDF documents
  • Lower memory consumption when loading raster PDF

Document Viewer and Converter

  • Faster SVG rendering
  • Designer support for Leadtools.Controls.Winforms
  • Load and save from SharePoint, OneDrive and Google Docs
  • Native support for MOBI and ePUB format
  • Shape and drawing support for DOC/DOCX
  • Across-the-board improvements to Office, HTML, MOBI and ePUB formats
  • HTML5 / JavaScript Document Viewer demo redesigned to use ASP.NET MVC
  • Converted Document REST service to ASP.NET
  • New .NET WinForms demo for viewing either Raster or SVG


  • Dashed line support for HTML5 / JavaScript
  • Region / language support when loading and saving
  • Improved custom annotation pictures
  • Add padding to all sides of an object regardless of alignment
  • Automatically rotate annotation images and text with viewer rotation
  • Load annotations directly from PDF and TIFF files
  • New legacy framework for loading and saving old versions of LEADTOOLS annotations
  • Improved annotation realization (burning) for all platforms

Additional Document Updates

What’s new in the LEADTOOLS Medical Engine


  • Updated to 2015c DICOM Specifications
  • Native Model (XML and JSON) support
  • Import and export XML format (PS3.19)
  • Import and export to DICOM JSON model (PS3.18)
  • Improved support for inserting large data

HTML5 Medical Viewer

  • Restrict user access to records at the Patient level
  • Improved sorting options and display
  • Split series into multiple stacks
  • Load all images without scrolling
  • Improved memory usage and speed
  • Pinch-zoom support
  • Image Projection Orientation support
  • Burn tags (overlays) onto image — All platforms

DICOM Storage Server

  • Show live connections in server UI
  • New cancel-forward and cancel-clean options
  • AE Title Aliases

Medical Workstation

  • Configuration options
    • Pagination
    • Export with Anonymization
  • Encapsulated PDF support

What’s new in the LEADTOOLS Imaging Engine

  • Redesigned, fully customizable HTML5 Web Scanning Service
  • Enhanced the TWAIN engine providing 64-bit apps access to 32-bit drivers
  • Salt and Pepper noise removal image processing function
  • Animated GIF support for HTML5 / JavaScript Viewer
  • Resample color images in HTML5 / JavaScript Viewer
  • Support for Pan Window in WPF Leadtools.Windows.Controls
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