Writing Barcodes Using the Barcode Demo

Please note that even though these tutorials use the Barcode API MFC demo, you can follow the same basic steps for any of the Barcode demos.


Start the demo by:

Selecting "Start" ? "Programs" ? "LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro 14.0" ? "Extensions" ? "Barcode" ? "ActiveX" or "API" or "C++ Class Library" and click on the desired demo, as shown below.

Please note that your exact path may vary, depending on the toolkit you have installed.


Double clicking on the MFCBar32.exe file in the LEAD/BIN directory, where LEAD represents the directory in which you installed the LEADTOOLS toolkit. (If you used the default settings when you installed the toolkit, that path would be "C:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies, Inc\LEADTOOLS\Bin".)


In the main window of the Bar Code Demo, select File ? Open.


In the Open dialog, you can either set the path to the LEAD/Images directory in the "File" edit box or browse to this directory using the "Look in" drop box. Select the barcode1.tif file and select Open.


In the main window of the Bar Code Demo, select Actions ? Write …. The Bar Code Write Options dialog will appear, as shown below:



Use the settings shown above.


Press OK in the Bar Code Write Options dialog.


The new barcode will appear on the image.