UserPalette Property (ILEADRasterDlgClr)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



OLE_COLOR UserPalette (long lIndex);


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs


Sets a color in a palette that you define.

The user palette is an array of UserPaletteCount elements. Each element is a long integer value containing the red, green and blue (RGB) components of the color. You can specify a color using the RGB function, and you can specify 256 or fewer colors.

Palettes are used only for images that are 8 bits per pixel or less.

This User Palette will be used when a dialog box needs a custom palette. It is associated with ColorRes dialog box, the CustomizePalette dialog box, and the Color dialog box.

See Also


ShowCustomizePaletteDlg method, ShowColorResDlg method, ShowColorDlg method