DevNamesHandle property (LEADDlgFile Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

L_HGLOBAL DevNamesHandle

Delphi Syntax

DevNamesHandle: L_HGLOBAL


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


Handle to a movable global memory object that contains a DEVNAMES Microsoft Windows structure. For more information please refer to Microsoft’s SDK documentation.

If DevNamesHandle is not 0 on input, you must allocate a movable block of memory for the DEVNAMES structure and initialize its members.

If DevNamesHandle is 0 on input, the dialog may allocate memory for the DEVNAMES structure, initialize its members to indicate the user's input, and update the DevNamesHandle property by it.

This structure (DEVNAMES) contains three strings that specify the driver name, the printer name, and the output port name, which are used to set or preserve printer settings. Set this property to 0 to use the default printer settings.

See Also


ShowPrintPreviewDlg method, ShowPrintStitchedImagesDlg method, DevModeHandle property


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events