PixelateFlags property (LEADDlgImgEffect Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

L_UINT PixelateFlags

Delphi Syntax

PixelateFlags: L_UINT


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


Gets or sets the PixelateFlags in the Pixelate dialog box.

This property indicates the values used to fill the cells, the shape of the cells, and what type of data is in the CellWidth and CellHeight properties. You can use a bitwise OR (|) to specify one flag from each group.

The following are the flags indicate what values will be used to fill the cells:




[$0000] Fill the cell with the maximum pixel value of the cell.


[$0001] Fill the cell with the minimum pixel value of the cell.


[$0002] Fill the cell with the average pixel value of the cell.

The following are the flags that indicate the shape of the cells:




[$0000] Divide the image into rectangular cells. If this flag used, the CellWidth property value contains the cell width in pixels or the number of cells across the width of the bitmap. CellHeight property contains the cell height in pixels or the number of cells across the height of the bitmap.


[$0010] Divide the image into circular cells, centered on the CenterPoint property. If this flag is used, the CellWidth property value determines the angular component of the cell, and CellHeight property determines the radial component of the cell. Please note that PIX_RAD must be OR-ed with PIX_WPER or PIX_WFRQ.

The following are the flags the indicate what information is contained in the CellWidth and CellHeight properties:




[$0100] Indicates the number of cells along the width of the bitmap if rectangular cells are used. If circular cells are used, this indicates the number of cells present around the center of the circle.


[$0200] Indicates the width, in pixels of a cell, if rectangular cells are used. If circular cells are used, this indicates the number of degrees in each cell around the center point.


[$0400] Indicates the number of cells along the height of the bitmap if rectangular cells are used. If circular cells are used, this indicates the number of cells present along the radius of the circle.


[$0800] Indicates the height, in pixels of a cell, if rectangular cells are used. If circular cells are used, this indicates the radial length of each cell along the radius.

See Also


ShowPixelateDlg method, CellWidth property, CellHeight property, Opacity property, CenterPoint property


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events