SaveJBIG2TextFlags property (LEADDlgFile Control)

C++ Builder Example

Delphi Example


Builder Syntax

unsigned SaveJBIG2TextFlags

Delphi Syntax

SaveJBIG2TextFlags: L_UINT


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


Gets or sets a value used in the Save Dialog Box that indicates whether to keep all dictionary symbols or remove unrepeated symbols from the dictionary. Possible values are:




[0x1000] Remove unrepeated symbols from the dictionary. When this flag is used those symbols in the dictionary which do not have any match in the bitmap are removed from the text dictionary to be encoded as non-text, resulting in a smaller file size.


[0x2000] Keep all dictionary symbols.

The default value is JBIG2_TEXT_KEEPALLSYM.

See Also


SaveJBIG2ImageTemplateType property, SaveJBIG2ImageGBATX1 property, SaveJBIG2ImageGBATY1 property, SaveJBIG2ImageGBATX2 property, SaveJBIG2ImageGBATY2 property, SaveJBIG2ImageGBATX3 property, SaveJBIG2ImageGBATY3 property, SaveJBIG2ImageGBATX4 property, SaveJBIG2ImageGBATY4 property, SaveJBIG2ImageQFactor property, SaveJBIG2ImageFlags property, SaveJBIG2TextTemplateType property, SaveJBIG2TextGBATX1 property, SaveJBIG2TextGBATY1 property, SaveJBIG2TextGBATX2 property, SaveJBIG2TextGBATY2 property, SaveJBIG2TextGBATX3 property, SaveJBIG2TextGBATY3 property, SaveJBIG2TextGBATX4 property, SaveJBIG2TextGBATY4 property, SaveJBIG2TextMinSymArea property, SaveJBIG2TextMinSymWidth property, SaveJBIG2TextMinSymHeight property, SaveJBIG2TextMaxSymArea property, SaveJBIG2TextMaxSymWidth property, SaveJBIG2TextMaxSymHeight property, SaveJBIG2TextDifThreshold property, SaveJBIG2TextQFactor property, SaveJBIG2XResolution property, SaveJBIG2YResolution property, SaveJBIG2Flags property


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events