ShowRemapHueDlg method (LEADDlgColor Control)

C++ Builder example

Delphi 4.0 example


Builder Syntax

int ShowRemapHueDlg(TWinControl* AOwnerCtrl);

Delphi Syntax

Function ShowRemapHueDlg (AOwnerCtrl: TWinControl ): L_INT;


Refer to Using Imaging Common Dialogs.


Displays the Remap Hue dialog box, and gets the options for the RemapHue method.

The layout and action of the dialog depends on the flags set in the DlgFlags property. Possible options are:




[$00000001] Process the image on OK; The LEADImage property must be assigned a Main Control containing a valid bitmap to prior to calling this method.


[$00000002] Dialog should contain a context sensitive help icon.


[$00000004] Show a preview of the image in the dialog. The LEADImage property must be assigned a Main Control containing a valid bitmap to prior to calling this method.


[$00000008] Show the "Zoom to fit" and "Zoom Normal" toolbar buttons. The DLG_REMAPHUE_SHOW_PREVIEW flag must be set in order to show these buttons.

If you include DLG_REMAPHUE_AUTOPROCESS or DLG_REMAPHUE_SHOW_PREVIEW in the DlgFlags property, the LEADImage property must be assigned a Main Control containing a valid bitmap to prior to calling this method.

The following properties are associated with this dialog:

RemapHueMaskTable property

RemapHueHTable property

RemapHueSTable property

RemapHueVTable property

RemapHueTableSize property.

To include a Help button in the dialog, set the ShowHelpButton property to TRUE.

The Remap Hue dialog can be seen below:


This dialog has the following fields:

Channel Drop-down list box:

Use this to select the channel to remap. There are three choices:

- Hue: remaps the Hue channel, for the values within the mask range.

- Saturation: remaps the Saturation channel, for the values within the mask range.

- Value: remaps the Value channel, for the values within the mask range.

Curve Mode Drop-down list box:

Use this to select the curve mode to use when remapping. There are four choices:

- image\Control_Curve_Mode_Curve.gif Curve: remaps the selected channel using curve data.

- image\Control_Curve_Mode_Linear.gif Linear: remaps the selected channel using linear data.

- image\Control_Curve_Mode_Exponential.gif Exponential: remaps the selected channel using exponential data, which is affected by the Factor value.

- image\Control_Curve_Mode_Logarithm.gif Logarithm: remaps the selected channel using logarithmic data, which is affected by the Factor value.

Factor Edit box:

Use this to set the factor of the Exponential/Logarithm curve. Enter the value directly in the edit box or use the arrows to set the desired value.

Flip Buttons:

Use these buttons to flip the curve if the Curve Mode is either Curve or Linear. The following options are available:

- image\Control_Curve_Flip_Both.gif Both. Flip the curve vertically and horizontally.

- image\Control_Curve_Flip_Vertically.gif Vertically. Flip the curve vertically.

- image\Control_Curve_Flip_Horizontal.gif Horizontally. Flip the curve horizontally.

Mask Multi-Slider:

Use the Mask Multi-slider Control to specify the range of values for which to apply the changes specified by the channel, the Curve mode and the factor. The first marker from the left is the minimum value of the range, and the second is the maximum value.

Reset Button:

Use the Reset button to set the curve of the current channel to the default values.

Reset All Button:

Use the Reset All button to set the curve for all the channels to default values.

Load Button:

Use the Load button to load an "*.lrh" file that contains Remap Hue curve settings, using the Load dialog. The loaded file will set a new curve for each channel.

Note: Loading curve settings will overwrite all current settings for all channels!

Save Button:

Use the Save button to save all the curve settings for all the channels into an "*.lrh" file. This allows you set the same curve settings for other images by re-loading the file.

See Also


RemapHue method, RemapHueMaskTable property, RemapHueHTable property, RemapHueSTable property, RemapHueVTable property, RemapHueTableSize property, ShowHelpButton property, ZoomToFit Property, DlgFlags property, EnableMethodErrors property.


Imaging Common Dialogs: Properties, Methods, and Events