Unlocking DICOM Support

Extensive DICOM file format support is unlocked in a number of ways using L_UnlockSupport. L_UnlockSupport must be called with the key found on the toolkit certificate, which will be e-mailed to you.

DICOM file format support can be unlocked by calling L_UnlockSupport(L_SUPPORT_DICOM, "key") or L_UnlockSupport (L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL, "key"), L_UnlockSupport (L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL_NET, "key") depending on the toolkit the user has purchased.

To unlock DICOM communication support (available only in select LEAD products), L_UnlockSupport must be called with the appropriate key found on the toolkit certificate. L_UnlockSupport (L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL_NET, "key") tells the package to unlock all DICOM file format support, all Medical features, and all the DICOM Communication support.