
#include "ltdic.h"

LDicomAssociate * LDicomNet::GetAssociate(L_VOID)

Returns the DICOM Associate for the DICOM Network object. This function is available in the Medical Suite Toolkit.


The DICOM Associate associated with the DICOM Network object.


A DICOM Association must be established between an SCU and an SCP before any DICOM messages or data can be transmitted between them. For more information on creating a DICOM Association, refer to Creating a DICOM Associate Connection.

When the DICOM Association is no longer needed, it should be closed. For more information, refer to Closing a DICOM Associate Connection.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application

See Also


Working with DICOM Associate Connections


   //This example is called by the client after a connection has been made with the
   //server, and an association has been sent and accepted.
   //LMyDicomNet is a class derived from LDicomNet
   //m_pDicomNet is a member variable declared as:
   //    LMyDicomNet *m_pDicomNet;
   //In this example, assume
   //1. m_pDicomNet points to a valid object
   //2. A connection exists between client and server
   //3. An associate request has been sent and accepted
   //get the associate object for this client computer's connection
   LDicomAssociate *pDicomAssociate  = m_pDicomNet->GetAssociate();
   //find the id for UID_VERIFICATION_CLASS within this association
   //if it is supported by the association
   nID = pDicomAssociate->FindAbstract(UID_VERIFICATION_CLASS);
   if (nID == 0)
      AfxMessageBox("Not Supported by this association!");
      CString strMsg;
      strMsg.Format("Found[%d]", nID);