Examples for Delphi Programmers

You can test any of the following examples by adding a command button and pasting the sample code in the Click procedure.

Adding a DICOM Data Set to a DICOM Directory (Delphi)

CreateObject (Delphi)

Creating a DICOM Directory (Delphi)

Getting Print Job Information (Delphi)

Getting Printer Configuration Information (Delphi)

Getting Printer Information (Delphi)

Loading a Data Set (Delphi)

Loading a DICOM Directory (Delphi)

Manipulating a Data Set Using the LEADTOOLS DICOM OCX Control (Delphi)

Performing Basic Print Management (Delphi)

Performing Pull Stored Print Management (Delphi)

Using the DicomFileInsert Event (Delphi)

Using the Events OnStatus, OnPrinterReport, and OnPrintJobReport (Delphi)

Miscellaneous Examples (Delphi)