Examples for Visual C++ 6.0 Programmers

You can test any of the following examples by adding a command button and pasting the sample code in the Click procedure.

Adding a DICOM Data Set to a DICOM Directory Example for C++ 6.0 and later

CreateObject Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Creating a DICOM Directory Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Loading a DICOM Directory Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Manipulating a Data Set Using the LEADTOOLS DICOM OCX Control Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Using the DicomFileInsert Event Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Performing Basic Print Management Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Performing Pull Stored Print Management Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Using the Events OnStatus, OnPrinterReport, and OnPrintJobReport Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Getting Printer Information Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Getting Printer Configuration Information Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Getting Print Job Information Example for C++ 6.0 and later

Loading a Data Set


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