Working with the DicomLayerAttributes Object
The LayerAttributes property returns a reference to the DicomLayerAttributes object. This object exposes the IDicomLayerAttributes interface which defines the following properties to describe a DICOM graphic layer:
DisplayBlueValue property: This property specifies the blue value in the "Graphic Layer Recommended Display RGB Value" (0070,0067) element.
DisplayGravscaleValue property: specifies the value of the "Graphic Layer Recommended Display Grayscale Value" (0070,0066) element.
DisplayGreenValue property: This property specifies the green value in the "Graphic Layer Recommended Display RGB Value" (0070,0067) element.
DisplayRedValue property: This property specifies the red value in the "Graphic Layer Recommended Display RGB Value" (0070,0067) element.
LayerDescription property: This property specifies the value of the "Graphic Layer Description" (0070,0068) element.
LayerName property: This property specifies the value of the "Graphic Layer" (0070,0002) element.
LayerOrder property: This property specifies the value of the "Graphic Layer Order" (0070,0062) element.