AnnCount Example for VB.NET

'LEADDICOM1 is a DICOM Dataset defined outside this method
'This example uses the predefined variable "LEADRasterView1" of type "AxLEADRasterView" from "LEADTOOLS Toolkit".
Private Sub TestAnnCount()

   'This example
   ' 1. Opens a dataset with annotations
   ' 2. Finds the location of one of the annotation files
   ' 3. Loads the annotations
   ' 4. Flips the annotations
   ' 5. Saves the annotations to index to slots 250 through 255
   ' 6. Deletes the annotation files from slot 253

   Dim nRet As Short
   Dim i As Short
   Dim hAnnContainer As Integer
   Dim strMsg As String
   Dim strTmp As String
   Dim nIndexAnn As Short
   Dim RasterIO As New LTRASTERIOLib.LEADRasterIO
   Dim RasterAnn As New LTANNLib.LEADRasterAnnotation

   ' Open the dataset with annotations
   nRet = LEADDICOM1.LoadDS("e:\images\DicomAnn.dic", 0)
   If (nRet <> LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS) Then
   Exit Sub

   RasterIO.EnableMethodErrors = False RasterIO.Load(LEADRasterView1.Raster, "e:\images\DicomAnn.dic", 0, 0, 1)

   ' Find the location of one of the annotation files
   If (nRet <> LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS) Then
   Exit Sub

   strMsg = "Private Creator Tag: " & Hex(LEADDICOM1.AnnPrivateCreatorTag) & vbNewLine
   For i = 0 To 255
      If (LEADDICOM1.AnnEntries(i) = True) Then
         nIndexAnn = i
         strTmp = vbTab & Str(i) & vbNewLine
         strMsg = strMsg & strTmp
      End If
   Next i

   ' Loads the annotations
   LEADDICOM1.AnnLoad(nIndexAnn, 1)

   ' Flip the annotations
   RasterAnn.AnnContainer = LEADDICOM1.AnnContainer
   RasterAnn.AnnFlip(True, LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapHeight / 2, False)
   LEADDICOM1.AnnContainer = RasterAnn.AnnContainer

   ' Save the annotations to index to slots 250 through 255
   For i = 250 To 255
      nRet = LEADDICOM1.AnnSave(i, LTANNLib.AnnFMTConstants.ANN_FMT_NATIVE, False, LTDICLib.DicomAnnSaveModifyConstants.SAVE_OVERWRITE, 1)
   Next i

   ' Delete the annotation files from slot 253
   LEADDICOM1.AnnDelete(253, -1)

   ' Display file info
   If (nRet <> LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS) Then
   Exit Sub

   strMsg = "Private Creator Tag: " & Hex(LEADDICOM1.AnnPrivateCreatorTag) & vbNewLine
   For i = 0 To 255
      If (LEADDICOM1.AnnEntries(i) = True) Then
         strTmp = vbTab & Str(i) & vbNewLine
         strMsg = strMsg & strTmp
      End If
   Next i

   ' Save the data set LEADDICOM1.SaveDS("e:\erase\dicom.dic", 0)

End Sub