Converting LEAD Annotation Objects to DICOM Annotation Objects Example for VB.NET

'This example uses the predefined variable "objPresState" of type "LEADDicomDS" from "LEADTOOLS Toolkit".
Private Sub objPresState_OnConvertLEADAnnObjToDicomAnnObj(ByVal bGraphicObject As Boolean)
   Dim sMsg As String

   ' Display the attributes of the resulted DICOM annotation object
   Dim lCount, I As Integer
   If bGraphicObject Then
      ' The resulted DICOM annotation object is a graphic object
      With objPresState.GraphicObjectAttributes
         sMsg = "Graphic Annotation Units: "
         Select Case .Units
            Case LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_PIXEL
               sMsg = sMsg & "PIXEL" & vbNewLine
            Case LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_DISPLAY
               sMsg = sMsg & "DISPLAY" & vbNewLine
         End Select

         sMsg = sMsg & "Graphic Type: "
         Select Case .Type
            Case LTDICLib.DicomGraphicObjectTypes.DICOM_GRAPHIC_OBJECT_TYPE_POINT
               sMsg = sMsg & "POINT" & vbNewLine
            Case LTDICLib.DicomGraphicObjectTypes.DICOM_GRAPHIC_OBJECT_TYPE_POLYLINE
               sMsg = sMsg & "POLYLINE" & vbNewLine
               sMsg = sMsg & "INTERPOLATED" & vbNewLine
            Case LTDICLib.DicomGraphicObjectTypes.DICOM_GRAPHIC_OBJECT_TYPE_CIRCLE
               sMsg = sMsg & "CIRCLE" & vbNewLine
            Case LTDICLib.DicomGraphicObjectTypes.DICOM_GRAPHIC_OBJECT_TYPE_ELLIPSE
               sMsg = sMsg & "ELLIPSE" & vbNewLine
         End Select

         sMsg = sMsg & "Graphic Filled: "
         If .Filled Then
            sMsg = sMsg & "Y" & vbNewLine
            sMsg = sMsg & "N" & vbNewLine
         End If

         lCount = .PointCount
         sMsg = sMsg & "Number of Graphic Points: " & lCount & vbNewLine

         If lCount < 10 Then
            sMsg = sMsg & "Graphic Data: " & vbNewLine
            For I = 0 To lCount - 1
               sMsg = sMsg & " " & "X" & I + 1 & ", Y" & I + 1 & " = " & .PointsX(I) & ", " & .PointsY(I) & vbNewLine
         End If

         MessageBox.Show(sMsg, "Graphic Annotation Object")
      End With
      ' The resulted DICOM annotation object is a text object
      With objPresState.TextObjectAttributes
         If .BoundingBoxUsed Then
            sMsg = "Unformatted Text Value: " & .TextValue & vbNewLine
            sMsg = sMsg & "Bounding Box Annotation Units: "
            Select Case .BoundingBoxUnits
               Case LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_PIXEL
                  sMsg = sMsg & "PIXEL" & vbNewLine
               Case LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_DISPLAY
                  sMsg = sMsg & "DISPLAY" & vbNewLine
            End Select

            sMsg = sMsg & "Bounding Box Top Left Hand Corner: " & .BoundingBoxTLHCornerX & ", " & .BoundingBoxTLHCornerY & vbNewLine
            sMsg = sMsg & "Bounding Box Bottom Right Hand Corner: " & .BoundingBoxBRHCornerX & ", " & .BoundingBoxBRHCornerY & vbNewLine
            sMsg = sMsg & "Bounding Box Text Horizontal Justification: "
            Select Case .BoundingBoxTextJustification
               Case LTDICLib.DicomTextJustificationTypes.DICOM_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT
                  sMsg = sMsg & "LEFT" & vbNewLine
               Case LTDICLib.DicomTextJustificationTypes.DICOM_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT
                  sMsg = sMsg & "RIGHT" & vbNewLine
               Case LTDICLib.DicomTextJustificationTypes.DICOM_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_CENTER
                  sMsg = sMsg & "CENTER" & vbNewLine
            End Select
            sMsg = "Unformatted Text Value: " & .TextValue & vbNewLine
            sMsg = sMsg & "Anchor Point Annotation Units: "
            Select Case .AnchorPointUnits
               Case LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_PIXEL
                  sMsg = sMsg & "PIXEL" & vbNewLine
               Case LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_DISPLAY
                  sMsg = sMsg & "DISPLAY" & vbNewLine
            End Select
            sMsg = sMsg & "Anchor Point: " & .AnchorPointX & ", " & .AnchorPointY & vbNewLine
            sMsg = sMsg & "Anchor Point Visibility: "
            If .AnchorPointVisible Then
               sMsg = sMsg & "Y" Else sMsg = sMsg & "N"
            End If
         End If

         MessageBox.Show(sMsg, "Text Annotation Object")
      End With
   End If

   ' If it is desired to stop the conversion process... objPresState.EndConversion
   objPresState.EndConversion( LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_ERROR_ANN)
   ' Any error code, but not 0
End Sub

Private Sub LEADAnnToDicomAnn(ByRef objPresStateDS As LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS)
   ' Update the CurrentElement property with a Graphic Annotation Item so
   ' that the resulted DICOM annotation objects are added to the Data Set
   If objPresStateDS.FindFirstGraphicAnnItem() <> 0 Then
      ' (Make sure that the specified layer is already defined in the
      ' "Graphic Layer Module")
      objPresStateDS.CreateGraphicAnnItem(0, "LAYER_0")
   End If

   Dim objRasterAnn As New LTANNLib.LEADRasterAnnotation

   ' Let's create a LEAD rectangle annotation object
   With objRasterAnn .AnnCreate(LTANNLib.AnnObjectType.ANN_OBJECT_RECT, False, False)
      .AnnRectLeft(.AnnObject) = 150
      .AnnRectTop(.AnnObject) = 175
      .AnnRectWidth(.AnnObject) = 200
      .AnnRectHeight(.AnnObject) = 100
      .AnnSetFillMode(.AnnObject, LTANNLib.AnnFillModeConstants.ANN_FILLMODE_TRANSPARENT, False)
   End With

   ' Convert the LEAD annotation object. Now, for each resulted DICOM annotation
   ' object, the OnConvertLEADAnnObjToDicomAnnObj event gets fired. By handling
   ' the event, you can inspect the resulted object.
   If objPresStateDS.ConvertLEADAnnObjToDicomAnnObjs(objRasterAnn.AnnObject, 0) = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
      MessageBox.Show("The LEAD annotation object was converted successfully.")
   End If

   ' Destroy the LEAD annotation object
   objRasterAnn.AnnDestroy(objRasterAnn.AnnObject, 0)
End Sub