Creating DICOM Annotations Example for VB.NET
Private Sub CreateAnnotations(ByRef objPresStateDS As LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS)
' Set the attributes that describe the "Presentation State Module"
With objPresStateDS.PresStateAttributes
.InstanceNumber = 1
.PresLabel = "SOME_LABEL"
.PresDescription = "Description of the presentation"
With .PresCreationDate
.Year = Today.Year
.Month = Today.Month
.Day = Today.Day
End With
With .PresCreationTime
.Hours = TimeOfDay.Hour
.Minutes = TimeOfDay.Minute
.Seconds = TimeOfDay.Second
.Fractions = 0
End With
.PresCreatorName = "SomeOne"
End With
If objPresStateDS.SetPresStateAttributes() = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
MessageBox.Show("Presentation State attributes were set successfully.")
End If
' Add references to some images (under the "Presentation State Module")
Dim sLayerName As String
' Create a layer
With objPresStateDS.LayerAttributes
.LayerName = "LAYER_0" ' "Graphic Layer"
.LayerOrder = 1
.DisplayGrayscaleValue = -1
.DisplayRedValue = -1
.DisplayGreenValue = -1
.DisplayRedValue = -1
.LayerDescription = "Description of the layer"
End With
If objPresStateDS.CreateLayer() = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
sLayerName = objPresStateDS.LayerAttributes.LayerName
MessageBox.Show("Layer '" & sLayerName & "' was created successfully.")
' Change one of the attributes and update the layer
objPresStateDS.LayerAttributes.LayerOrder = 0
End If
Dim hGraphicAnnItem As Integer
' Create a Graphic Annotation Item
If objPresStateDS.CreateGraphicAnnItem(0, sLayerName) = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
MessageBox.Show("A Graphic Annotation Item was created successfully.")
hGraphicAnnItem = objPresStateDS.CurrentElement.hElement
End If
Dim sSOPInstanceUID As String
' The annotations defined in the Item hGraphicAnnItem will be applied
' only to one of the images listed in the Presentation State Module
If objPresStateDS.FindFirstPresStateRefSeriesItem() = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
If objPresStateDS.GetPresStateImageRefCount() > 0 Then
sSOPInstanceUID = objPresStateDS.GetPresStateImageRefInstanceUID(0)
End If
End If
' Let's create a graphic annotation object
With objPresStateDS.GraphicObjectAttributes
.LayerName = sLayerName
.Units = LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_PIXEL
.Filled = True
.PointCount = 2 ' "Number of Graphic Points"
' "Graphic Data":
.PointsX(0) = 252.5
.PointsY(0) = 252.5
.PointsX(1) = 209.2
.PointsY(1) = 199.6
End With
If objPresStateDS.CreateGraphicObject(True) = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
MessageBox.Show("A graphic annotation object was created successfully.")
' Change one of the attributes and update the object
objPresStateDS.GraphicObjectAttributes.Filled = False
End If
' Let's now create a text annotation object
With objPresStateDS.TextObjectAttributes
.LayerName = sLayerName
.BoundingBoxUsed = True
.AnchorPointUsed = False
.BoundingBoxUnits = LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_PIXEL
.TextValue = "Text annotation (using a bounding box)"
.BoundingBoxTLHCornerX = 176.7
.BoundingBoxTLHCornerY = 117.7
.BoundingBoxBRHCornerX = 320.3
.BoundingBoxBRHCornerY = 136.1
.BoundingBoxTextJustification = LTDICLib.DicomTextJustificationTypes.DICOM_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT
End With
If objPresStateDS.CreateTextObject(True) = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
MessageBox.Show("A text annotation object was created successfully.")
' Change one of the attributes and update the object
objPresStateDS.TextObjectAttributes.BoundingBoxTextJustification = LTDICLib.DicomTextJustificationTypes.DICOM_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION_LEFT
End If
' And another text annotation object
With objPresStateDS.TextObjectAttributes
.LayerName = sLayerName
.AnchorPointUsed = True
.BoundingBoxUsed = False
.AnchorPointUnits = LTDICLib.DicomMeasureUnits.DICOM_UNIT_PIXEL
.TextValue = "Text annotation (using an anchor point)"
.AnchorPointX = 277.9
.AnchorPointY = 382.7
.AnchorPointVisible = True
End With
If objPresStateDS.CreateTextObject(True) = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
MessageBox.Show("Another text annotation object was created successfully.")
End If
End Sub