Examining Annotations (2) Example for VB.NET

Private Sub ExamineAnnotations2(ByRef objPresStateDS As LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS)
   Dim sRefSOPInstanceUID As String

   ' Pick one of the images referenced in the "Presentation State Module" and
   ' get its SOP Instance UID
   If objPresStateDS.FindFirstPresStateRefSeriesItem() = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
      If objPresStateDS.GetPresStateImageRefCount() > 0 Then
         sRefSOPInstanceUID = objPresStateDS.GetPresStateImageRefInstanceUID(0)
      End If
   End If

   ' Find the SOP Class UID of that image
   If objPresStateDS.FindPresStateRefImageItem(sRefSOPInstanceUID) = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
      If objPresStateDS.MoveChildElement() = 0 Then
         If objPresStateDS.FindFirstElement(LTDICLib.DicomDataSetTagConstants1.TAG_REFERENCED_SOP_CLASS_UID, True) = 0 Then
            If objPresStateDS.GetStringValue(0, 1) = 0 Then
               MessageBox.Show(objPresStateDS.StringValues(0), "Referenced SOP Class UID")
            End If
         End If
      End If
   End If

   ' Remove the reference to that image from the "Presentation State Module"

   ' Pick a Graphic Annotation Item
   Dim hGraphicAnnotationItem As Integer
   Dim sGraphicLayer As String
   If objPresStateDS.FindFirstGraphicAnnItem() = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
      hGraphicAnnotationItem = objPresStateDS.CurrentElement.hElement

      ' Pick an image reference
      If objPresStateDS.GetLayerImageRefCount() > 0 Then
         sRefSOPInstanceUID = objPresStateDS.GetLayerImageRefInstanceUID(0)

         ' Display one of the attributes of the Referenced Image Item
         If objPresStateDS.MoveChildElement() = 0 Then
            If objPresStateDS.FindFirstElement(LTDICLib.DicomDataSetTagConstants1.TAG_REFERENCED_SOP_CLASS_UID, True) = 0 Then
               If objPresStateDS.GetStringValue(0, 1) = 0 Then
                  MessageBox.Show("Referenced SOP Class UID: " & objPresStateDS.StringValues(0), "Referenced Image Item")
               End If
            End If
         End If


         ' Remove the image reference

         ' Remove all references to images that are listed in this Graphic Annotation
         ' Item (this way, the annotations defined by this Item will be applied to all
         ' the images listed in the "Presentation State Module")
      End If

      sGraphicLayer = objPresStateDS.GetLayerName()

      ' Display some of the layer's attributes
      With objPresStateDS.LayerAttributes
         MessageBox.Show("Graphic Layer: " & .LayerName & vbNewLine & "Graphic Layer Order: " & .LayerOrder & vbNewLine & "Graphic Layer Description: " & .LayerDescription, "Graphic Layer Attributes")
      End With

      ' Change the layer of this Graphic Annotation Item (the specified new
      ' layer should already be defined in the "Graphic Layer Module")

      ' Pick a graphic annotation object
      If objPresStateDS.GetGraphicObjectCount() > 0 Then

         ' Display one of the attributes of this object
         If objPresStateDS.MoveChildElement() = 0 Then
            ' Graphic Type (0070,0023)
            If objPresStateDS.FindFirstElement(&H700023, True) = 0 Then
               If objPresStateDS.GetStringValue(0, 1) = 0 Then
                  MessageBox.Show("Graphic Type: " & objPresStateDS.StringValues(0), "Graphic Annotation Object")
               End If
            End If
         End If


         ' Remove the object

         ' Remove all the graphic annotation objects defined by this Graphic
         ' Annotation Item
         ' Or:
      End If

      ' Pick a text annotation object
      If objPresStateDS.GetTextObjectCount() > 0 Then

         ' Display one of the attributes of this object
         If objPresStateDS.MoveChildElement() = 0 Then
            ' Unformatted Text Value (0070,0006)
            If objPresStateDS.FindFirstElement(&H700006, True) = 0 Then
               If objPresStateDS.GetStringValue(0, 1) = 0 Then
                  MessageBox.Show("Unformatted Text Value: " & objPresStateDS.StringValues(0), "Text Annotation Object")
               End If
            End If
         End If


         ' Remove the object

         ' Remove all the text annotation objects defined by this Graphic
         ' Annotation Item objPresStateDS.RemoveAllTextObjects()
         ' Or:
      End If
   End If

   ' Remove all references to images that are listed in all the Graphic Annotation
   ' Items (this way, the annotations defined by all the Items will be applied to all
   ' the images listed in the "Presentation State Module")

   ' Remove all references to images from the "Presentation State Module"

   ' Pick one of the layers
   If objPresStateDS.LayerCount > 0 Then

      ' Display one of the attributes of this layer
      If objPresStateDS.MoveChildElement() = 0 Then
         ' Graphic Layer (0070,0002)
         If objPresStateDS.FindFirstElement(&H700002, True) = 0 Then
            If objPresStateDS.GetStringValue(0, 1) = 0 Then
               MessageBox.Show("Graphic Layer: " & objPresStateDS.StringValues(0), "Graphic Layer")
            End If
         End If
      End If

      ' Remove the layer
      objPresStateDS.RemoveLayer(0, True)

      ' Remove all the layers defined in the "Graphic Layer Module"
   End If
End Sub