Getting Printer Information Example for VB.NET

Private Sub GetPrinterInfo(ByRef objPrintSCU As LTDICPRNSCULib.LEADDicomPrintSCU)
   ' Assume that the Association is already established
   With objPrintSCU.Printer
      ' We need only the Printer Status and Printer Status Info
      .RequiredInfo = LTDICPRNSCULib.PrinterInfoAttribEnum.PRN_PRINTER_STATUS + LTDICPRNSCULib.PrinterInfoAttribEnum.PRN_PRINTER_STATUS_INFO

      ' Query the Print SCP for the information
      If .GetInfo() = LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS Then
         ' Display the retrieved information
         MessageBox.Show("Printer Status: " & .PrinterStatus & vbNewLine & "Printer Status Info: " & .PrinterStatusInfo, "Printer Info")
      End If
   End With
End Sub