Inserting a Context Group Example for VB.NET

Private Sub InsertContextGroup(ByRef objDS As LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS)
' Context Group Version
objDS.DateTimeValueCount = 1
With objDS.DateTimeValues(0)
.Year = 2005
.Month = 3
.Day = 22
.Hours = 0
.Minutes = 0
.Seconds = 0
.Fractions = 0
.Offset = 0
End With

   ' Insert a (testing) Context Group
objDS.InsertContextGroup("CID XXXX", "New Context Group", True)

   objDS.DateTimeValueCount = 0

   ' Fill the Context Group with some (testing) Coded Concepts
objDS.InsertCodedConcept("CSD1", "", "CV1", "CM1")
objDS.InsertCodedConcept("CSD2", "", "CV2", "CM2")
objDS.InsertCodedConcept("CSD3", "", "CV3", "CM3")

   ' Refer to Enumerating the Coded Concepts of a Context Group Example
' for VB.NET for the procedure EnumCodedConcepts EnumCodedConcepts(objDS)

   ' Delete the Context Group
End Sub