Searching the Data Set for a Digital Signature Example for C#

public void FindSignature(ref LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS objDS, ref string sSignatureUID)
   // Search the whole Data Set for the Digital Signature with the
   // specified Digital Signature UID
   if (objDS.FindSignature(sSignatureUID) == false)
      MessageBox.Show("The Digital Signature was not found.", "Sample");
   string sMsg = null;
   sMsg = "The Digital Signature was found." + System.Environment.NewLine + "Press Yes to examine it or No to delete it.";
   switch (MessageBox.Show(sMsg, "Sample", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel))
      case DialogResult.Yes:
         // Refer to Examining a Digital Signature Example
         // for the procedure ExamineSignature
         ExamineSignature(objDS, objDS.get_CurrentElement().hElement);
      case DialogResult.No:
         // Delete the Digital Signature