Modifying a Context Group Example for C#

private void ModifyContextGroup(ref LTDICLib.LEADDicomDS objDS)
   // Look for a Context Group
   if (! (objDS.FindContextGroup("CID 6019")))
   // Look for a Coded Concept in the current Context Group
   if (! (objDS.FindCodedConcept("SRT", "F-01781")))
   // Set the Code Meaning of the current Coded Concept (French translation)
   objDS.SetCodedConceptCodeMeaning("Situé à 1 heure");
   // Refer to Enumerating the Coded Concepts of a Context Group Example
   // for C# for the function DisplayCodedConcept
   DisplayCodedConcept(objDS, false);
   // Delete the current Coded Concept
   // Add a (testing) Coded Concept to the current Context Group
   objDS.InsertCodedConcept("CSD", "", "CV", "CM", false, "", 0);
   DisplayCodedConcept(objDS, false);
   // Restore the current Context Group (discard all the changes
   // made to the Group)
   // Refer to Enumerating the Coded Concepts of a Context Group Example
   // for C# for the procedure EnumCodedConcepts
   EnumCodedConcepts(ref objDS);
   // Delete the current Context Group