NetAccept event (ILEADDicomNet)
void NetAccept (short nStatus); | |
Overview |
Refer to Working with DICOM Network Connections. |
(Medical Imaging Suite only) Notifies a listening connection (SCP) that it can accept pending connection requests.
This event is generated on an SCP when an SCU calls Connect method.
To accept a connection request, call Accept method.
You should always accept a connection request. Once the connection is made you can check the client and close the connection if you do not wish to maintain it. Since the connection requests are queued, if you do not accept a connection, it remains in the queue. When the next request is received, it is placed in the queue behind the first request. Calling the Accept method at this point will connect the first request, not the second, since the first request is still in the queue.
See Also
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