AnnotationBoxes property (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)

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ILAnnotationBoxes* AnnotationBoxes


Refer to Print Management SCU.


(Read-only) The AnnotationBoxes property is the collection of Annotation Boxes resulted from creating a Film Box.

When a Film Box is created, and if an Annotation Display Format ID is specified, the Print SCP will also create one or more Annotation Boxes, based on the Value of the Annotation Display Format ID. This is true given that the Basic Annotation Box SOP Class is supported on the Association. For each Annotation Box created, an LAnnotationBox object is added to this collection, so that the Annotation Box can be manipulated.

Each time a new Film Box is created, the collection will be refilled with the Annotation Boxes that belong to the new Film Box.

See Also


FilmSession property, FilmBox property, ImageBoxes property, Printer property, PresentationLUT property, ImageOverlayBox property, PullPrintRequest property, PrintJob property, PrinterConfiguration property


DICOM Print Management SCU: Basic Print Management