OnPrintJobReport event (_ILEADDicomPrintSCUEvents dispinterface)

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void OnPrintJobReport(BSTR PrintJobSOPInstanceUID, short EventTypeID, BSTR ExecutionStatusInfo, BSTR PrintJobID, BSTR FilmSessionLabel, BSTR PrinterName);


Refer to Print Management SCU.


The OnPrintJobReport event is fired when a Print Job status report is received from the Print SCP.

The event is fired whenever the Print SCU receives a report from the Print SCP about the changes in the status of a Print Job. The intended Print Job is specified by its SOP Instance UID. If the Print Job SOP Class is supported on the Association, the event is expected to be fired; otherwise, it will never be fired.

If the status of the Print Job is Pending or Failure, the Print SCP is supposed to supply additional information about the pending/error condition in the Attribute Execution Status Info (the ExecutionStatusInfo parameter).

See Also


PrintJobSOPInstanceUID property (ILFilmSession interface), PrintJobSOPInstanceUID property (ILFilmBox interface), PrintJobSOPInstanceUID property (ILPullPrintRequest interface), GetInfo method (ILPrintJob interface)


DICOM Print Management SCU: Print Jobs