OverlayAttributes property (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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Visual C++ 6.0 example



ILEADOverlayAttributes* OverlayAttributes


Refer to Overlays Overview.


(Read-only) The OverlayAttributes property specifies the attributes of an overlay.

When the GetOverlayAttributes method is called to retrieve the attributes of an overlay, the various properties specified by the OverlayAttributes property are updated with the retrieved values.

When setting the attributes of an overlay, the properties specified by the OverlayAttributes property should be set to the desired values before calling the SetOverlayAttributes method. These properties are listed below:

ActivationLayer property

BitPosition property

BitsAllocated property

Color property

Columns property

Description property

Flags property

ImageFrameOrigin property

Label property

NumberFramesInOverlay property

OriginX property

OriginY property

ROIArea property

ROIMean property

ROIStandardDeviation property

Rows property

Subtype property

Type property

See Also


GetOverlayAttributes method, SetOverlayAttributes method

