RefImageOverlayBoxInstanceUID property (ILImageBox Interface)

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BSTR RefImageOverlayBoxInstanceUID


Refer to Print Management SCU.


The RefImageOverlayBoxInstanceUID property specifies the SOP Instance UID of a previously created Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance to be referenced by the Image Box. Refer to the Create method of the ILImageOverlayBox interface for creating Image Overlay Boxes.

The corresponding Attribute will be included in the request to the Print SCP only if the IncludedParameters property specifies IB_REF_IMAGE_OVERLAY_BOX_INSTANCE_UID.

When updating the Image Box, if this property specifies an empty string and the Image Box already references an Image Overlay Box, then the update will remove that reference.

See Also


Update method, IncludedParameters property, Create method (ILImageOverlayBox interface)


DICOM Print Management SCU: Basic Print Management