GetTimeValue Example for C++Builder
Cardinal uCount;
int nRet;
LEADDicom1->EnableMethodErrors = false;
/* move to the root element */
/* insert a new element for the Time Value */
LEADDicom1->InsertElement(false, TAG_PATIENT_BIRTH_TIME, VR_TM, false, 0);
/* insert an Time value into the element */
LEADDicom1->TimeValueCount = 1;
LEADDicom1->TimeValues[0]->Hours = 12;
LEADDicom1->TimeValues[0]->Minutes = 25;
LEADDicom1->TimeValues[0]->Seconds = 33;
LEADDicom1->TimeValues[0]->Fractions = 50;
/* set the time */
nRet = LEADDicom1->SetTimeValue(1);
if(nRet != SUCCESS)
ShowMessage("Error Number: " + IntToStr(LEADDicom1->Error));
LEADDicom1->TimeValueCount = 0; /* free the value */
Label1->Caption = "";
/* get the value count */
uCount = LEADDicom1->GetValueCount();
ShowMessage("There are " + IntToStr(uCount) + " values!");
/* get the value */
LEADDicom1->GetTimeValue(0, uCount);
/* display the value */
Label1->Caption = "Hours: " + IntToStr(LEADDicom1->TimeValues[0]->Hours)
+ " Minutes: " + IntToStr(LEADDicom1->TimeValues[0]->Minutes)
+ " Seconds: " + IntToStr(LEADDicom1->TimeValues[0]->Seconds)
+ " Fractions: " + IntToStr(LEADDicom1->TimeValues[0]->Fractions);
LEADDicom1->EnableMethodErrors = true;