InsertDS method

Delphi Example

C++ Builder Example


Builder Syntax

int __fastcall InsertDS (Ltvcltyp::L_HANDLE hDS, int hSrcElement);

Delphi Syntax

Function InsertDS (hDS: L_HANDLE; hSrcElement: Integer): Integer;


Refer to Working with Command Sets.


Inserts the source Data Set at the current element in the current Data Set.

If both hSrcElement the CurrentElement property are NULL, the source data set will be inserted at the root level of the destination data set. Therefore the highest level elements of the source data set will be added as siblings to the highest level elements of the destination data set. This can be seen in the diagram below.


If hSrcElement is not NULL and the CurrentElement property is NULL, the children of hSrcElement will be added at the root level of the destination data set (i.e. as siblings to elements at the highest level). This can be seen in the diagram below. Note that the source elements to be added are in blue.


If hSrcElement is NULL and the CurrentElement property is not NULL, the entire source data set will be added as children to the element specified in the CurrentElement property. This can be seen in the diagram below. The CurrentElement property contains the destination element pointed to by the arrow.


If hSrcElement and the CurrentElement property are both not NULL, then the children of hSrcElement are added as the children of the element specified in the CurrentElement property. This can be seen in the diagram below. The original children of the element specified in the CurrentElement property are in red and the source elements to be added are in blue.


If an inserted element has the same tag value as a destination element at the same level and with the same parent, then the value from the source element is copied into the destination element and any child elements are added accordingly. For example, the diagram below shows the result of a call to the InsertDS method. If the two elements indicated by the arrows have the same tag value, the value from the source element is copied into the destination element and the structure on the right results. This is shown by the red outline of the destination element with the blue center of the source element.


To make an exact copy, refer to hDicDS.

See Also


InitDS method, GetInfoDS method