
JPEG Compression

Key elements
   Key Elements
   Key Elements: Getting the Type of an Existing Key Element
   Key Elements: Inserting and Deleting Key Elements
   Key Elements: Maneuvering Through the DICOM Dir Data Set
   Key Elements: Searching the DICOM Dir Data Set

LEAD Technologies address
Licensing Requirements
Little Endian byte ordering
LoadDS method
Loading a Data Set
   Loading a Data Set (Delphi)
   Loading a Data Set (Visual C++ 4.0)
Loading Data Sets
LongValueCount property
LongValues property

Maneuvering Through a Data Set
Maneuvering Through the Data Element Tag Table
Maneuvering Through the DICOM Dir Data Set
Maneuvering Through the IOD Table
Maneuvering Through the UID Table
Maneuvering Through the Value Representation Table
Medical Express Agreement
Medical Express Suite Agreement
   Data Element Tags
   Data Sets
   Information Object Definitions
   Unique Identifiers
   Value Representations
Modifying an Existing Data Element Tag
Modifying an Existing IOD
Modifying an Existing UID
Modifying an Existing Value Representation
Module constants
MoveChildElement method
MoveChildIOD method
MoveChildKey method
MoveFirstElement method
MoveFirstIOD method
MoveFirstKey method
MoveFirstTag method
MoveFirstUID method
MoveFirstVR method
MoveLastElement method
MoveLastIOD method
MoveLastKey method
MoveLastTag method
MoveLastUID method
MoveLastVR method
MoveNextElement method
MoveNextIOD method
MoveNextKey method
MoveNextTag method
MoveNextUID method
MoveNextVR method
MoveParentElement method
MoveParentIOD method
MoveParentKey method
MovePrevElement method
MovePrevIOD method
MovePrevKey method
MovePrevTag method
MovePrevUID method
MovePrevVR method
MoveRootElement method
MoveRootIOD method
MoveRootKey method

Nag message
Native or Encapsulated Format Encoding
Nesting of Data Sets
New features
   Changes from Version 11.5 to Version 12
   Changes from Version 12 to Version 12.1
   Changes from Version 12.1 to Version 13
   Changes from Version 13 to Version 14
   Version 11.5
No-nag message

On Error statement
OnConformanceStatus event
OnProgressStatus event
output file formats
   An Overview of the DICOM File Format
   Overview: Attributes
   Overview: Basic DICOM File Structure
   Overview: Big Endian versus Little Endian Byte Ordering
   Overview: Composite IOD
   Overview: Compression
   Overview: Data Element Fields
   Overview: Data Element Structure
   Overview: Data Element Type
   Overview: Definitions
   Overview: Delimitation of the Sequence of Items
   Overview: Encoding of Pixel Data
   Overview: Group Length
   Overview: Information Object Definitions
   Overview: Item Encoding Rules
   Overview: Modules
   Overview: Native or Encapsulated Format Encoding
   Overview: Nesting of Data Sets
   Overview: Normalized and Composite SOP Classes
   Overview: Normalized IOD
   Overview: Pixel Data Encoding of Related Data Elements
   Overview: Private Data Element Tags
   Overview: Private Data Elements
   Overview: Repeating Groups
   Overview: Retired Data Elements
   Overview: Unique Identifiers
   Overview: Value Multiplicity (VM) and Delimitation
   Overview: Value Representations

Pixel Data Encoding of Related Data Elements
Preamble property
Private Data Element Tags
Private Data Elements
   Data Element Tags
   Data Sets
   Information Object Definitions
   Unique Identifiers
   Value Representations

Raster image formats
Raster Pro/Document/Medical Features
Redistributing an application
Repeating Groups
ResetDS method
ResetIOD method
ResetTag method
ResetUID method
ResetVR method
Retired Data Elements
RLE Compression

SaveDS method
Saving Data Sets
Searching a Data Set
Searching the Data Element Tag Table
Searching the DICOM Dir Data Set
Searching the IOD Table
Searching the UID Table
Searching the Value Representation Table
Sequences of items
SetAgeValue method
SetBinaryValue method
SetBitmapListValue method
SetBitmapValue method
SetCharValue method
SetConvertValue method
SetCurrentElement method
SetCurrentIOD method
SetDateTimeValue method
SetDateValue method
SetDoubleValue method
SetDSPreamble method
SetFloatValue method
SetIODDescription method
SetIODName method
SetLongValue method
SetShortValue method
SetStringValue method
SetTagName method
SetTimeValue method
Setting Data Element Values
Setting the Default Data Element TagTable
Setting the Default IOD Table
Setting the Default UID Table
Setting the Default Value Representation Table
SetUIDName method
SetVRName method
ShortValueCount property
ShortValues property
StringValueCount property
StringValues property
System files

Tag defaults
   Data Element Tag Constants
   Data Element Tag Table
   Data Element Tags: Inserting and Deleting Data Element Tags
   Data Element Tags: Maneuvering Through the Data Element Tag Table
   Data Element Tags: Modifying an Existing Data Element Tag
   Data Element Tags: Searching the Data Element Tag Table
   Data Element Tags: Setting the Default Data Element Tag Table
   Working with Tags
Technical support
TimeValueCount property
TimeValues property
Topic Selection
   Tutorial for Delphi Programmers
   Tutorial for Visual C++ 4.0 Programmers

UID defaults
   Overview: Unique Identifiers
   Unique Identifiers
   Unique Identifiers: Inserting and Deleting UIDs
   Unique Identifiers: Maneuvering Through the UID Table
   Unique Identifiers: Modifying an Existing UID
   Unique Identifiers: Searching the UID Table
   Unique Identifiers: Setting the Default UID Table
   Working with Unique Identifiers (UIDs)
Unique Identifiers
   Overview: Unique Identifiers
   Unique Identifiers
   Unique Identifiers: Inserting and Deleting UIDs
   Unique Identifiers: Maneuvering Through the UID Table
   Unique Identifiers: Modifying an Existing UID
   Unique Identifiers: Searching the UID Table
   Unique Identifiers: Setting the Default UID Table
   Working with Unique Identifiers (UIDs)
UnlockSupport method
Usage constants

Value Multiplicity
Value Representation Constants
Value Representation defaults
Value Representations
   Overview: Value Representations
   Value Representations
   Value Representations: Inserting and Deleting Value Representations
   Value Representations: Maneuvering Through the Value Representation Table
   Value Representations: Modifying an Existing Value Representation
   Value Representations: Searching the Value Representation Table
   Value Representations: Setting the Default Value Representation Table
   Working with Value Representations
   Changes from Version 11.5 to Version 12
   Changes from Version 12 to Version 12.1
   Changes from Version 12.1 to Version 13
   Changes from Version 13 to Version 14
   Version 11.5
   Version History
Visual Basic
Visual C++
Visual C++ examples
   Value Representations
   Value Representations: Inserting and Deleting Value Representations
   Value Representations: Maneuvering Through the Value Representation Table
   Value Representations: Modifying an Existing Value Representation
   Value Representations: Searching the Value Representation Table
   Value Representations: Setting the Default Value Representation Table
