Using Class Library DigitalPaint Tools
Take the following steps to start a project and to add some code that creates a new paint window.
Note: |
This example is for a 32-bit (NT or Windows 9x) environment. |
Step 1
1. |
Start Visual C++, version 5. |
2. |
Select the File->New menu option, click the "projects" tab. |
3. |
Select "MFC AppWizard". |
4. |
In the Project Name dialog box, enter "Tutorial". |
5. |
In the Location dialog box, use the examples\classlib\msvc5 directory of your LEAD installation. For example, if you installed LEADTOOLS in c:\ltwin14x, enter c:\ltwin14x\examples\classlib\msvc5\ Click OK. |
6. |
Choose Multiple Document and click "Next". |
7. |
The "MFC AppWizard step 2 of 6", appears. Keep the default settings and press the "Next" Button. |
8. |
The "MFC AppWizard step 3 of 6", appears. Keep the default settings and press the "Next" Button. |
9. |
The "MFC AppWizard step 4 of 6", appears. Uncheck the "Docking Toolbar" combo box. |
10. |
Uncheck the "Printing and print preview" combo box and press the "Finish" Button. |
Step 2
1. |
Choose Project->Settings. |
2. |
In the "Settings For" drop down box, choose "All Configurations". |
3. |
Click on the C/C++ tab. |
4. |
In the "Category" drop down box, choose "Preprocessor". |
5. |
In the "Additional include directories" dialog box, enter the include\classlib directory of your LEAD installation. For example, if you installed LEADTOOSL in c:\ltwin14x, enter c:\ltiwn14x\include\classlib then Press OK. |
6. |
Open the Stdafx.h file from the "File View" tab. |
7. |
Add the following lines before the "//{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}}" comment: |
#include "ltwrappr.h"
class CTutorialApp;
class CTutorialView;
class CTutorialDoc;
#include "TutorialDoc.h"
#include "TutorialView.h"
The stdafx.h file should be something like this: |
// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
// are changed infrequently
#if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__47B5950A_21D9_11D5_8F4C_0060087C0C73__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_STDAFX_H__47B5950A_21D9_11D5_8F4C_0060087C0C73__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#define VC_EXTRALEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
#include <afxwin.h> // MFC core and standard components
#include <afxext.h> // MFC extensions
#include <afxdisp.h> // MFC OLE automation classes
#include <afxcmn.h> // MFC support for Windows Common Controls
#include "ltwrappr.h"
class CTutorialApp;
class CTutorialView;
class CTutorialDoc;
#include "TutorialDoc.h"
#include "TutorialView.h"
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__47B5950A_21D9_11D5_8F4C_0060087C0C73__INCLUDED_)
Step 3
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Click to open the Tutorial Classes branch. |
3. |
Click "CTutorialApp", and then double click the CTutorialApp() constructor. |
4. |
Add the following lines after "//TODO: add construction code here": |
The function should be something like this: |
// TODO: add construction code here,
// Place all significant initialization in InitInstance
5. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
6. |
Click to open the Tutorial Classes branch. |
7. |
Right click on "CTutorialApp", and select "Add Member Function&". |
8. |
In the Add Member Function Dialog, write "~CTutorialApp( );" on the Function Declaration text box and then press OK. |
9. |
Add the following lines inside the generated function": |
The function should be something like this: |
Step 4
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Click to open the Tutorial Classes branch. |
3. |
Click "CTutorialApp", and then double click the InitInstance() function. |
4. |
Add the following lines after the call to the ParseCommandLine function: |
//Hide the Auto appearance window (View)
cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileNothing;
The function should be something like this: |
BOOL CTutorialApp::InitInstance()
// Standard initialization
// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
// of your final executable, you should remove from the following
// the specific initialization routines you do not need.
#ifdef _AFXDLL
Enable3dControls(); // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
Enable3dControlsStatic(); // Call this when linking to MFC statically
// Change the registry key under which our settings are stored.
// You should modify this string to be something appropriate
// such as the name of your company or organization.
SetRegistryKey(_T("Local AppWizard-Generated Applications"));
LoadStdProfileSettings(); // Load standard INI file options (including MRU)
// Register the application's document templates. Document templates
// serve as the connection between documents, frame windows and views.
CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate;
pDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(
RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame), // custom MDI child frame
// create main MDI Frame window
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame;
if (!pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME))
return FALSE;
m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame;
// Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
//Hide the Auto appearance window (View)
cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileNothing;
// Dispatch commands specified on the command line
if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
return FALSE;
// The main window has been initialized, so show and update it.
return TRUE;
Step 5
Select Project->Add To Project->Files... and browse to <your LEAD installation directory>\lib\ltwvc_n.lib.
Step 6
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Right click "CTutorialView" and select "Add Member Variable..." |
3. |
For Variable Type enter LRasterPaintWindow, and for Variable Declaration put m_RasterPntWnd. Leave Access as "Public" and click OK. |
4. |
Right click "CTutorialView" again and select "Add Member Variable..." |
5. |
For Variable Type enter LRasterDialog, and for Variable Declaration put m_PaintDialog leave Access as "Public" and click OK. |
The Class declaration should be something like this: |
class CTutorialView : public Cview
protected: // create from serialization only
// Attributes
CRstDemoDoc* GetDocument();
// Operations
LRasterPaintWindow m_RasterPntWnd;
LRasterDialog m_PaintDialog;
// Rest of class stuff goes here
Step 7
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Right click "CTutorialView" and select "Add Windows Message Handler..." |
3. |
Select "WM_CREATE" from "New Windows messages/events" list and click "Add and Edit" button. |
4. |
Add the following line of code before the " return 0;" line: |
The function should be something like this: |
int CTutorialView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if(CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
m_RasterPntWnd. SetWndHandle (m_hWnd);
return 0;
Step 8
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Click to open the Tutorial Classes branch. |
3. |
Click "CMainFrame", and then double click the "OnCreate" function. |
4. |
Add the following lines before the last "return 0;" line: |
LRasterPaintWindow::CreateToolbar(&m_LToolbar, m_hWnd, TEXT("Test Toolbar"));
POINT ptPos = {0, 0};
RECT rcClient;
ptPos.x = rcClient.left + 2;
ptPos.y = + 2;
The function should be something like this:
int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) ||
TRACE0(TEXT("Failed to create status bar\n"));
return -1; // fail to create
LRasterPaintWindow::CreateToolbar(&m_LToolbar, m_hWnd, TEXT("Test Toolbar"));
POINT ptPos = {0, 0};
RECT rcClient;
ptPos.x = rcClient.left + 2;
ptPos.y = + 2;
return 0;
Step 9
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Right click "CMainFrame" and select "Add Windows Message Handler..." |
3. |
Select "WM_CLOSE" from "New Windows messages/events" list and click "Add and Edit" button. |
4. |
Add the following line of code before the call to " CMDIFrameWnd::OnClose" function: |
LRasterPaintWindow::FreeToolbar (&m_LToolbar);
LRasterPaintWindow::Free ();
The function should be something like this: |
void CMainFrame::OnClose()
LRasterPaintWindow::FreeToolbar (&m_LToolbar);
Step 10
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Right click "CMainFrame" and select "Add Member Variable..." |
3. |
For Variable Type enter LToolbar, and for Variable Declaration put m_LToolbar. |
4. |
Select Access as "Protected" and click OK. |
The Class declaration should be something like this: |
class CMainFrame : public CMDIFrameWnd
// Attributes
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
// Implementation
virtual ~CMainFrame();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
protected: // control bar embedded members
CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;
// Generated message map functions
LToolbar m_LToolbar;
// rest of stuff goes here
Step 11
Handle Save & Update UI for it
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Right click "CTutorialView" and select "Add Windows Message Handler..." |
3. |
Select "ID_FILE_SAVE" from "Class or object to handle" list |
4. |
Select "COMMAND" from "New Windows messages/events" list and click "Add and Edit" button. |
5. |
The "Add Member Function" Dialog appears, write "OnFileSave" as the "Member function name", press OK. |
Add the following lines of code after the "// TODO" comment line: |
LBitmapBase* pLBtmpbase = m_RasterPntWnd.GetBitmap ();
BOOL bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(FALSE);
pLBtmpbase->Dialog()->EnableAutoProcess (TRUE);
L_INT nRetCode = pLBtmpbase->Dialog()->DoModalFileSave;
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Can't save to file. See if file is read only."), TEXT("File Save Error")),
bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(TRUE);
The function should be like this:
void CTutorialView::OnFileSave()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
LBitmapBase* pLBtmpbase = m_RasterPntWnd.GetBitmap();
BOOL bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(FALSE);
L_INT nRetCode = pLBtmpbase->Dialog()->DoModalFileSave();
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Can't save to file. See if file is read only."), TEXT("File Save Error"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(TRUE);
Step 12
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Right click "CTutorialView" and select "Add Windows Message Handler..." |
3. |
Select "ID_FILE_SAVE" from "Class or object to handle" list |
4. |
Select "UPDATE_COMMAND_UI" from "New Windows messages/events" and click "Add and Edit" button. |
5. |
The "Add Member Function" Dialog appears, write " OnUpdateFileSave" as the "Member function name", press OK. |
6. |
Add the following lines of code after the "// TODO" comment line: |
pCmdUI->Enable(m_RasterPntWnd. GetBitmap ()->IsAllocated());
The function should be like this:
void CTutorialView::OnUpdateFileSave(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
// TODO: Add your command update UI handler code here
pCmdUI->Enable(m_RasterPntWnd. GetBitmap ()->IsAllocated());
Step 13
Handle Open & Update UI for it
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Right click "CTutorialApp" and select "Add Windows Message Handler..." |
3. |
Select "ID_FILE_OPEN" from "Class or object to handle" list |
4. |
Select "COMMAND" from "New Windows messages/events" list and click "Add and Edit" button. |
5. |
The "Add Member Function" Dialog appear, write "OnFileOpen" as the "Member function name", press OK. |
6. |
Add the following lines of code after the "// TODO" comment line: |
POSITION pos = GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
CDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = GetNextDocTemplate(pos);
The function should be like this:
void CTutorialApp::OnFileOpen()
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
POSITION pos = GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
CDocTemplate* pDocTemplate = GetNextDocTemplate(pos);
Step 14
1. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
2. |
Click to open the "Tutorial Classes" branch. |
3. |
Click on the "CTutorialDoc" to expand the functions branch. |
4. |
Double click on the "OnNewDocument" function to view the code. |
5. |
Place the following code after the // TODO: add reinitialization code here |
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
CTutorialView* pView = (CTutorialView*) GetNextView(pos);
L_TCHAR szTitle[200] = "[ ";
L_TCHAR szBuff[56]; /* file name */
LBitmapBase LBtmpbase;
BOOL bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(FALSE);
LBtmpbase.Dialog()->EnableAutoProcess (TRUE);
if(LBtmpbase.Dialog()->DoModalFileOpen () == SUCCESS)
LBtmpbase.Dialog()->GetFileOpenParameters (&FileParam);
L_INT nBitsPerPixel = FileParam.pBitmap->BitsPerPixel;
if (nBitsPerPixel != 1 && nBitsPerPixel != 4)
if(nBitsPerPixel != 8 && nBitsPerPixel != 16 && nBitsPerPixel != 24)
pView->MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Your image format is not 1,4,8,16 or 24 bits per pixel"), TEXT("Error Opening Image"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(TRUE);
return FALSE;
L_INT nRetCode = pView->m_RasterPntWnd.SetBitmap(&LBtmpbase);
if (nRetCode == SUCCESS)
LBtmpbase.Dialog()->GetFileName (szBuff, sizeof(szBuff));
lstrcat(szTitle, szBuff);
lstrcat(szTitle, TEXT(" ]"));
bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(TRUE);
return TRUE;
pView->MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Not Supported Format"), TEXT("Error Opening Image "), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(TRUE);
return FALSE;
The function should be like this:
BOOL CTutorialDoc::OnNewDocument()
if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
return FALSE;
// TODO: add reinitialization code here
// (SDI documents will reuse this document)
// TODO: Add your command handler code here
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
CTutorialView* pView = (CTutorialView*) GetNextView(pos);
L_TCHAR szTitle[200] = "[ ";
L_TCHAR szBuff[56]; /* file name */
LBitmapBase LBtmpbase;
BOOL bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(FALSE);
LBtmpbase.Dialog()->EnableAutoProcess (TRUE);
if(LBtmpbase.Dialog()->DoModalFileOpen () == SUCCESS)
LBtmpbase.Dialog()->GetFileOpenParameters (&FileParam);
L_INT nBitsPerPixel = FileParam.pBitmap->BitsPerPixel;
if (nBitsPerPixel != 1 && nBitsPerPixel != 4)
if(nBitsPerPixel != 8 && nBitsPerPixel != 16 && nBitsPerPixel != 24)
pView->MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Your image format is not 1,4,8,16 or 24 bits per pixel"), TEXT("Error Opening Image"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(TRUE);
return FALSE;
L_INT nRetCode = pView->m_RasterPntWnd.SetBitmap (&LBtmpbase);
if (nRetCode == SUCCESS)
LBtmpbase.Dialog()->GetFileName (szBuff, sizeof(szBuff));
lstrcat(szTitle, szBuff);
lstrcat(szTitle, TEXT(" ]"));
bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(TRUE);
return TRUE;
pView->MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Non-Supported Format"), TEXT("Error Opening Image "), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);
bFlag = AfxGetMainWnd()->EnableWindow(TRUE);
return FALSE;
Step 15
Delete Save As menu Item
Delete New Menu Item
Delete Resent Files Menu Item
1. |
Move to the "Resource View" tab. |
2. |
Double click the "Tutorial resources" to expand the branch. |
3. |
Double click the "Menu" item from the tree to show the available menus. |
4. |
Double click on the "IDR_MAINFRAME" item to view the menu. |
5. |
Select "File"à"New" form the displayed menu bar and press the "Del" key to delete this menu item. |
6. |
Do the same with the "Recent File" and the Separator menu items. |
7. |
Now double click on the "IDR_TUTORITYPE" item from the "Resource View" tab to view this menu. |
8. |
Delete the "Save As", "Recent File" and the Separator menu items from the "File" menu as we did in step (5). |
Step 16
Handling Palette Changes
1. |
Open the "Tutorial.h" file from the "File View" tab. |
2. |
Add this define statement after the "#include "resource.h" // main symbols" statement |
3. |
Click on the "Class View" tab. |
4. |
Right click "CMainFrame" and select "Add Windows Message Handler..." |
5. |
Select "WM_PALETTECHANGED" from "New Windows messages/events" list and click "Add and Edit" button. |
6. |
Add the following lines of code after the " CMDIFrameWnd::OnPaletteChanged(pFocusWnd); " line: |
SendMessageToDescendants(WM_HANDLEPALETTE,(WPARAM)pFocusWnd ->m_hWnd, TRUE);
7. |
Right click "CMainFrame" and select "Add Windows Message Handler..." |
8. |
Select "WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE" from "New Windows messages/events" list and click "Add and Edit" button. |
9. |
Replace the "return CMDIFrameWnd::OnQueryNewPalette();" statement with the following lines of code: |
CMDIChildWnd* pMDIChildWnd = MDIGetActive();
if (pMDIChildWnd!=NULL)
CView* pView = pMDIChildWnd->GetActiveView();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
10. |
Right click "CMainFrame" and select "Add Windows Message Handler..." |
11. |
Select "WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE" from "New Windows messages/events" list and click "Add and Edit" button. |
12. |
Replace the "CMDIFrameWnd::OnSysColorChange();" statement with the following line of code which actually calls the OnQueryNewPalette() function: |
The function should look like this:
void CMainFrame::OnSysColorChange()
13. |
Select "View àClass Wizard". |
14. |
Select the "CTutorialView" from the "Class name" dropdown list. |
15. |
Select the "CTutorialView" from the "Object IDs" list. |
16. |
Select the "OnActivateView" from the "Messages" list and press the "Add Function" button, then press the "Edit Code" button. |
17. |
Write the following lines of code after the "// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class" statement: |
m_RasterPntWnd.HandlePalette (WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE,0,0);
18. |
Open the "TutorialView.h" file from the "File View" tab and add the following line before the DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() statement: |
afx_msg LRESULT OnHandlePalette(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
19. |
Open the "TutorialView.cpp" file from the "File View" tab and add the following line before the END_MESSAGE_MAP() statement: |
20. |
Now add the following lines of code to the end of the "TutorialView.cpp" file: |
LRESULT CTutorialView::OnHandlePalette(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if(m_RasterPntWnd.HandlePalett (WM_PALETTECHANGED, wParam, 0)==FALSE)
if(m_RasterPntWnd.HandlePalette(WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0)==FALSE)
return TRUE;
Step 17
Show / Hide the Tool bar
1. |
Move to the "Resource View" tab. |
2. |
Double click the "Tutorial resources" to expand the branch. |
3. |
Double click the "Menu" item from the tree to show the available menus. |
4. |
Double click on the "IDR_MAINFRAME" item to view the menu. |
5. |
Press on the "View" menu to view the menu items. |
6. |
You will notice that there is only one menu item, which is the "Status Bar", and there is an empty menu item below the previous mentioned menu item. |
7. |
Right click on this menu item and select "Properties". |
8. |
In the "Caption" edit box, write the word "&Toolbar" to name the menu and then close the dialog. |
9. |
Now do the same with the "IDR_TUTORITYPE" menu. |
10. |
Press View->ClassWizard menu to activate the class wizard. |
11. |
Select "Message Maps" tab and select " CMainFrame " as the Class name |
12. |
Select " ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR " from the "Object IDs" list box. |
13. |
Select "COMMAND" from the Messages list box. |
14. |
Press "Add Function" button à Press "OK" in the displayed dialog. |
15. |
Select " OnViewToolbar" from the Member functions list box. |
16. |
Press the "Edit Code" button |
17. |
Add the following line of code inside the generated function body: |
LRasterPaintWindow::ShowToolbar (!m_LToolbar.IsVisible());
The function should be look like this:
void CMainFrame::OnViewToolBar()
18. |
Press View->ClassWizard menu to activate the class wizard. |
19. |
Select "Message Maps" tab and select " CMainFrame " as the Class name |
20 |
Select "ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR" from the "Object IDs" list box. |
21. |
Select "UPDATE_COMMAND_UI" from the Messages list box. |
22. |
Press "Add Function" button à Press "OK" in the displayed dialog. |
23. |
Select "OnUpdateViewToolbar" from the Member functions list box. |
24. |
Press the "Edit Code" button |
25. |
Add the following line of code inside the generated function body: |
pCmdUI->SetCheck( m_LToolbar.IsVisible());
The function should be look like this:
void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewToolBar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
The following steps handling the "Show/Hide" of the toolbar from the second menu by making the application goes to the generated code in the Mainframe
1. |
Now double click on the "IDR_TUTORITYPE" menu from the "Resource View" tab to view the menu. |
2. |
Select "ViewàToolbar" from the menu. |
3. |
Right click on this menu item and select "Class Wizard". |
4. |
Select the "CMainFrame" from the "Class name" dropdown list". |
5. |
Select the "COMMAND" item from the "Messages" list à press "Ok". |
6. |
Repeat the previous steps but select the "UPDATE_COMMAND_UI" item from the "Messages" list then press "OK". |
Step 18
Here we will be dealing with one of the paint dialogs, which is the "Brush" dialog:
1. |
Move to the "Resource View" tab. |
2. |
Double click the "Tutorial resources" to expand the branch. |
3. |
Double click the "Menu" item from the tree to show the available menus. |
4. |
Double click on the "IDR_TUTORITYPE" item to view the menu. |
5. |
Drag the empty menu next to the "Help" menu and drops it before the "Help" menu. |
6. |
Right click on the empty menu and select "Properties". |
7. |
In the "Caption" edit box enter "Properties" as the menu caption and then close the dialog |
8. |
A new menu item will appear within the created menu. |
9. |
Right click on the empty menu item and select "Properties". |
10 |
In the "Caption" edit box enter "&Brush" as the menu caption and then close the dialog |
11. |
Press View->ClassWizard menu to activate the class wizard. |
12. |
Select "Message Maps" tab and select " CMainFrame " as the Class name |
13. |
Select " ID_PROPERTIES_BRUSH" from the "Object IDs" list box. |
14. |
Select "COMMAND" from the Messages list box. |
15. |
Press "Add Function" button à Press "OK" in the displayed dialog. |
16. |
Select " OnPropertiesBrush" from the Member functions list box. |
17. |
Press the "Edit Code" button |
18. |
Add the following line of code inside the generated function body: |
CTutorialApp* pTheApp = (CTutorialApp*)AfxGetApp();
PAINTBRUSH* pPaintBrush = m_RasterPntWnd.GetPaintBrush ();
L_INT nRetCode;
L_TCHAR* TouchBitmap [ ] = { "Leaf" };
L_TCHAR* TextureBitmap [ ] = { "Texture-00" };
BrushDlgInfo.pszTitle = TEXT("Paintbrush Properties");
BrushDlgInfo.nContentsType = pPaintBrush->Touch.nContentsType;
BrushDlgInfo.crColor = pPaintBrush->Touch.crColor;
BrushDlgInfo.ppszTouchImage = TouchBitmap;
BrushDlgInfo.uTouchImageCount = 1;
BrushDlgInfo.nActiveTouchImageItem = 0;
BrushDlgInfo.nDiameter = pPaintBrush->nDiameter;
BrushDlgInfo.nHardnessValue = pPaintBrush->Hardness.nValue;
BrushDlgInfo.nSpacing = pPaintBrush->nSpacing;
BrushDlgInfo.nDensity = pPaintBrush->nDensity;
BrushDlgInfo.nOpacity = pPaintBrush->nOpacity;
BrushDlgInfo.nFadeOutRate = pPaintBrush->nFadeOutRate;
BrushDlgInfo.ppszPaperTexture = TextureBitmap;
BrushDlgInfo.uPaperTextureCount = 1;
BrushDlgInfo.nActivePaperTextureItem = ((pPaintBrush->pTexture != NULL) ? 0 : -1);
nRetCode = m_PaintDialog.DoModalBrush(m_hWnd, &BrushDlgInfo);
if(nRetCode == SUCCESS)
pPaintBrush->nSize = sizeof(PAINTBRUSH);
pPaintBrush->dwMask = PBF_ALL;
pPaintBrush->Touch.nContentsType = BrushDlgInfo.nContentsType;
pPaintBrush->Touch.crColor = BrushDlgInfo.crColor;
pPaintBrush->Touch.nShape = PAINT_TOUCH_SHAPE_CIRCLE;
pPaintBrush->Touch.pBitmap = ((BrushDlgInfo.nActiveTouchImageItem != -1) ? pTheApp->m_LBtmpBrush.GetHandle() : NULL);
pPaintBrush->Touch.crTransparentColor = RGB(0, 0, 0);
pPaintBrush->nDiameter = BrushDlgInfo.nDiameter;
pPaintBrush->Hardness.nDistributionType = PAINT_HARDNESS_DISTRB_TYPE_0;
pPaintBrush->Hardness.nValue = BrushDlgInfo.nHardnessValue;
pPaintBrush->nSpacing = BrushDlgInfo.nSpacing;
pPaintBrush->nDensity = BrushDlgInfo.nDensity;
pPaintBrush->nOpacity = BrushDlgInfo.nOpacity;
pPaintBrush->nFadeOutRate = BrushDlgInfo.nFadeOutRate;
pPaintBrush->pTexture = ((BrushDlgInfo.nActivePaperTextureItem != -1) ? pTheApp-> m_LBtmpPaperTexture.GetHandle() : NULL);
m_RasterPntWnd.SetPaintBrush (pPaintBrush);
19. |
Open the "Tutorial.h" file form the "File View" tab and add the following variables declaration after the "Public:" statement: |
LBitmapBase m_LBtmpBrush;
LBitmapBase m_LBtmpPaperTexture;
20 |
Copy the bitmaps you want to use in the dialog to the "Res" folder in your current directory. |
21. |
Now move to the "Resource View" tab. |
22. |
Right click on the "Tutorial resources" and select "Import" item. |
23. |
In the "Import Resource" dialog move to the "Res" directory where you copied the bitmaps, and select the "BitmapBrush" bitmap à "Import". |
24. |
Right click on the new added bitmap and select "Properties". |
25. |
Change the "ID" edit box to "IDB_BITMAP_BRUSH" and close the dialog. |
26. |
Repeat steps (29-32) to load the second bitmaps and give it the following ID "IDB_PAPER_TEXTURE" |
27. |
Move to the "Class View" tab. |
28. |
Right click on the "CTutorialApp" class and select "Add Member Function&". |
29. |
Enter "void" in the "Function Type" edit box and enter "LoadImages()" statement in the "Function Declaration" edit box à "Press "Ok". |
30. |
Add the following lines of code to the function body: |
// load paper texture image.
HANDLE hBitmap = LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),
GetObject(hBitmap , sizeof (DIBSECTION), &dibsc);
L_CONVERTFROMDIB(&TempBtmapHandle, (LPBITMAPINFO) &dibsc.dsBmih, (L_UCHAR*)dibsc.dsBm.bmBits);
DeleteObject((HBITMAP) hBitmap);
// load the brush image.
hBitmap = LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),
GetObject(hBitmap , sizeof (DIBSECTION), &dibsc);
L_CONVERTFROMDIB(&TempBtmapHandle, (LPBITMAPINFO) &dibsc.dsBmih, (L_UCHAR *)dibsc.dsBm.bmBits);
DeleteObject((HBITMAP) hBitmap);
31. |
Right click on the "CTutorialApp" class and select "Add Member Function&". |
32. |
Enter "void" in the "Function Type" edit box and enter "FreeImages()" statement in the "Function Declaration" edit box à "Press "Ok". |
33. |
Add the following lines of code to the function body: |
34. |
Add the following statement to the "InitInstance()" function in the "Tutorial.cpp" file before the "return TRUE" statement: |
35. |
Add the following statement at the end of the "~CTutorialApp()" function in the "Tutorial.cpp" file |