LEADRasterFTP Sample for Visual Basic

Take the following steps to use FTP features, including Directory Browsing, to your application:


Start Visual Basic.


Add the LEAD Raster Object Library and LEAD Raster Variant Object Library to your project.


For VB5: On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD Raster Object Library (14.5).


For VB5: On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD Raster Variant Object Library (14.5).


Add the LEAD RasterIO Object Library to your project.


For VB5: On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD RasterIO Object Library (14.5).


Add the LEAD RasterFTP Object Library to your project.


For VB5: On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD RasterFTP Object Library (14.5).


Add the following lines to the General Declarations section at the top of your form's code:

Dim WithEvents FTPObj As LEADRasterFTP
Dim RasterObj As LEADRaster
Dim IOObj As LEADRasterIO


Add a command button to your form and name it as follows:






Test FTP


Add the following initialization code to the main form's Load procedure. In online help, you can use the Edit pull-down menu to copy the block of code.

Private Sub Form_Load()
   Set FTPObj = CreateObject("LEADRasterFTP.LEADRasterFTP")
   Set RasterObj = CreateObject("LEADRaster.LEADRaster")
   Set IOObj = CreateObject("LEADRasterIO.LEADRasterIO")
   FTPObj.EnableMethodErrors = False
End Sub


Code the FTP button's click procedure as follows:

Private Sub FTP_Click()
   ' Connect to FTP server
   FTPObj.InetFtpConnect "", 21, "anonymous", "password"
   ' Change working directory on the server
   FTPObj.InetFtpChangeDir "/pub/TestFolder"
   ' Check that the change took effect
   Me.Caption = "currently in: " + FTPObj.InetFtpGetCurrentDir
   ' Display the contents of the directory using the FTPBrowse event
   FTPObj.InetFtpBrowseDir "*.*"
   ' Send a file to the server
   FTPObj.InetFtpSendFile "c:\local.txt", "remote.txt", SENDAS_BINARY
   ' rename a file on the server
   FTPObj.InetFtpRenameFile "remote.txt", "remote2.txt"
   ' get a file from the server
   FTPObj.InetFtpGetFile "remote2.txt", "c:\local2.txt", True, SENDAS_BINARY
   ' create a new directory on the server
   FTPObj.InetFtpCreateDir "/pub/TestFolder/SubFolder"
   ' send a LEAD COM image to a file on the server
   IOObj.Load RasterObj, "v:\images\eagle.cmp", 0, 1, 1
   FTPObj.InetFtpSendBitmap RasterObj, FILE_BMP, 4, 0, "SubFolder/test.bmp", SENDAS_BINARY
   ' delete a file on the server
   FTPObj.InetFtpDeleteFile "SubFolder/test.bmp"
   ' remove a directory from the server
   FTPObj.InetFtpDeleteDir "SubFolder"
   ' end the connection with the server
End Sub


Code the FTPBrowse event as follows:

Private Sub FTPObj_FtpBrowse(ByVal pszFile As String, ByVal FileAttrib As Long, ByVal CreateTime As Date, ByVal AccessTime As Date, ByVal LastWriteTime As Date, ByVal uFileSize As Long)
   Dim s As String

   FTPObj.StopFtpBrowseEvent = False
   s = "File name: " + pszFile + vbNewLine
   s = s + "File Attributies:" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_ARCHIVE) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Archive" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_COMPRESSED) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Compressed" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_DIRECTORY) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Directory" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_ENCRYPTED) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Encrypted" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_HIDDEN) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Hidden" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_NORMAL) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Normal" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_OFFLINE) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Offline" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_READONLY) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Readonly" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_REPARSE_POINT) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Reparse point" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_SPARSE_FILE) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Sparse file" + vbNewLine
   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_SYSTEM) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "System" + vbNewLine

   If (FileAttrib And FTP_FILE_ATTRIB_TEMPORARY) <> 0 Then s = s + vbTab + "Temporary" + vbNewLine
   s = s + "Create Time:" + vbTab + Str(CreateTime) + vbNewLine
   s = s + "Access Time:" + vbTab + Str(AccessTime) + vbNewLine
   s = s + "Write Time: " + vbTab + Str(LastWriteTime) + vbNewLine
   s = s + "File Size: " + vbTab + Str(uFileSize) + vbNewLine
   MsgBox s, , "FTP Browse"
End Sub


Run your program to test it.