InetHttpOpenRequest method (LEADRasterHTTP Object)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short InetHttpOpenRequest(long nType, BSTR pszTarget, BSTR pszReferer, BSTR pszVersion);


Refer to How to Program with the LEAD Raster HTTP Object


Creates a new HTTP request to be sent to the server.

An HTTP request holds a request to be sent to an HTTP server and contains all RFC822/MIME/HTTP headers to be sent as part of the request.

The InetHttpOpenRequest method must be called before calling the following methods InetHttpSendBitmap, InetHttpSendData, InetHttpSendForm and InetHttpSendRequest.

See Also


InetHttpCloseRequest method, InetHttpSendRequest method, InetHttpConnect method


Working with HTTP: HTTP Connections