ActivateAction Method (ILEADWindowLevelAction)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short ActivateAction(VARIANT_BOOL bActive, long lFlags);


Refer to Using the Image Viewer


(Medical Imaging Suite) Activates or deactivates the action.

To set or get the properties of the action, use SetAction and GetAction Method.

The action can be associated with a particular mouse movement, a keystroke combination, or both. To associate an action with the mouse, use the SetMouseButtonAction method. To assign a keystroke combination, set the Key, and Modifier properties and then call the SetKeyboardAction method.

See Also


Cursor Property, Change Property, CircularMouseMove Property, StartColor Property, EndColor Property, Use Property, SetKeyboardAction Method, SetMouseButtonAction Method, Key Property, Modifier Property, SetAction Method, GetAction Method, GetKeyboardAction Method, Width Property, Center Property, FillType Property.


Image Viewer: Window Level Action