AddTag method (ILEADRasterContainerCell)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



Short AddTag(long lRow, CellAlignConstants Align, CellTagConstants TagType, BSTR String, long lFlag);


Refer to Using the Image Viewer


(Medical Imaging Suite) Add a tag to the specific location of the cell.

If two tags are written to the same location, the second tag written will overwrite the first tag.

To change the quality of the tag text, use TextQuality property.

See Also


SubRowCount Property, SubColumnCount Property, EnableChangeOnMove Property, Individual Property, IsFit Property, Select Property, Freeze Property, RowPosition Property, ColumnPosition Property, Window Property, ShowRuler Property, ShowTags Property, RepositionCell Method, InsertBitmapList Method, RulerStyle property, BitmapList Property, Top Property, Left Property, Height Property.


Image Viewer: Cell Properties