Medical Communications
(Available in Medical toolkits) LEADTOOLS provides extensive support for the DICOM Communication Protocol. This protocol outlines the requirements for transferring DICOM data and messages across an associated network connection. For more information about the DICOM Communication Protocol, refer to LEADTOOLS DICOM Network Communication Support for Message Exchange, or the DICOM Standard in the DICOM Help Files (Ltdicdlln.hlp, Ltdicocxn.hlp, Ltdiclibn.hlp), located in the \Help\ directory.
With LEADTOOLS you can create an Application Entity (AE) that serves as either the Service Class Provider (SCP), Service Class User (SCU), or both.
With this support you can do the following:
Create/Manage/Destroy DICOM Network connections
(secure or un-secure)
Send DICOM messages
Receive DICOM messages
LEADTOOLS supports the following security modes for DICOM Network connections:
No security mode – un-secure
Integrated Secure Communication Layer protocol
security - ISCL
Transport Layer Secure protocol security