Transferring Data and Sound

There are two ways to send data, with LEADTOOLS header information and without LEADTOOLS header information (raw). To send data in any of the LEADTOOLS supported image file formats with LEADTOOLS' header information, use L_InetSendData. You can enable auto processing for the receiving computer by calling L_InetAutoProcess to allow LEADTOOLS to check the received data and automatically load it into the appropriate data structure if LEADTOOLS' headers are found. To send data without LEADTOOLS's header information, use L_InetSendRawData. Transferred data will be received by the remote computer in the INETCALLBACK function. If auto process is disabled, the data must be manually read and processed using L_InetReadData. To send sound data, use L_InetSendSound.

To abort a data transfer use L_InetClearQueue. Use L_InetGetQueueSize to find out how much data is currently in the LEADTOOLS internal network send queue. When the Internet session is finished, call L_InetShutDown to shut down the LEADTOOLS Internet DLL and free any memory associated with the Internet DLL.