InetReceiveSound Example for C++ 5.0 and later


This is not a complete example for handling events, some steps have been omitted. For a complete example of how to handle events, refer to the example Initializing a Computer as a Server and Accepting Connections.

You should have the following declaration at your H file for exeample ServerDlg.h

int   m_nSoundFlag;
long   m_hSound;
CLEADCap m_LEADCap1; // Lead capture control class

You should add the following to your project:

1. edit the RasterInetSink.h file and add the following:


  // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.

afx_msg void OnInetReceiveSound(short, short, short, long, long, short, short, short, const _variant_t &, const _variant_t &, const long);


2. edit the RasterInetSink.cpp file and add the following two sections:


BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CRasterInetSink, CCmdTarget)


  // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.


DISP_FUNCTION_ID(CRasterInetSink,"InetReceiveSound",11,OnInetReceiveSound, VT_EMPTY,VTS_I2 VTS_I2 VTS_I2 VTS_I4 VTS_I4 VTS_I2 VTS_I2 VTS_I2 VTS_I4) 





void CRasterInetSink::OnInetReceiveSound(
short iComputer,
short iFormatTag,
short nChannels,
long lSamplesPerSec,
long lAvgBytesPerSec,
short iBlockAlign,
short iBitsPerSample,
short iExtraDataSize,
ILEADRasterVariant *pExtraData,
ILEADRasterVariant *pData,
long lDataSize)
   VARIANT vaExtra;
   VARIANT vaData;
   SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];


   if(pExtraData->Type == VALUE_STRING)
      V_VT(&vaExtra) = VT_BSTR;
      V_BSTR(&vaExtra) = SysAllocString(A2BSTR(pExtraData->StringValue));
   else if (pExtraData->Type == VALUE_ARRAY_BYTE)
      psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, rgsabound);
      memcpy(psa->pvData, pExtraData->ShortItemValue , pExtraData->ItemCount);
      V_VT(&vaExtra) = (VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1);
      V_ARRAY(&vaExtra) = psa;
      return ;

   if(pData->Type == VALUE_STRING)
      V_VT(&vaData) = VT_BSTR;
      V_BSTR(&vaData) = SysAllocString(A2BSTR(pData->StringValue));
   else if (pData->Type == VALUE_ARRAY_BYTE)
      psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, rgsabound);
      memcpy(psa->pvData, pData->ShortItemValue , pData->ItemCount);
      V_VT(&vaData) = (VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1);
      V_ARRAY(&vaData) = psa;
      return ;
   // this example uses the LEAD Capture Module for sound playback
   if (m_pDlg->m_nSoundFlag == FALSE)
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.SetCapWaveFormatTag(CAP_AUDIO_FEED, iFormatTag);
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.SetCapWaveChannels (CAP_AUDIO_FEED, nChannels);
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.SetCapWaveSamplesPerSec (CAP_AUDIO_FEED, lSamplesPerSec);
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.SetCapWaveAvgBytesPerSec (CAP_AUDIO_FEED, lAvgBytesPerSec);
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.SetCapWaveBlockAlign (CAP_AUDIO_FEED, iBlockAlign);
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.SetCapWaveBitsPerSample (CAP_AUDIO_FEED, iBitsPerSample);
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.SetCapWaveExtraSize (CAP_AUDIO_FEED, iExtraDataSize);
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.SetCapWaveExtraData (CAP_AUDIO_FEED, vaExtra);

      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.CapStartFeedSound("", -1, 0, CAP_FEED_PLAYDATA, &m_pDlg->m_hSound);
      m_pDlg->m_nSoundFlag = TRUE;
      m_pDlg->m_LEADCap1.CapFeedSound(m_pDlg->m_hSound, (VARIANT *)&vaData, lDataSize);

   // when finished playing sound m_LEADCap1.CapStopFeedSound should be
   // called. A good place to do it would be in the InetDisconnected event