Client Server Diagram: Sending Commands and Responses

The diagram given below shows a simple example of a Client - Server connection and a series of function calls used to send commands and responses.





Set the computer to act as a server and listen for connection requests

InetServerInit method

InetConnect method

The client requests a connection with the server. This generates an InetAccept event on the server.

InetAccept event

InetConnected event

The server accepts the connection request. This generates an InetConnected event on the client.

InetAcceptConnect method

InetSendLoadCmd method

The client sends a load command to the server to load a specific image. This generates an InetReceiveCmd event on the server.

InetReceiveCmd event

InetReceiveRsp event

The server receives the load command and responds by calling the InetSendLoadRsp method. This generates an InetReceiveRsp event on the client.

InetSendLoadRsp method

InetSendCmd method

The client sends a flip command using the InetSendCmd method. This generates another InetReceiveCmd event on the server.

InetReceiveCmd event

InetReceiveRsp event

The server calls the InetSendRsp methodin response to receiving the InetSendCmd method call from the client. This generates another InetReceiveRsp event on the client.

InetSendRsp method

InetSendSaveCmd method

The client sends a save command using the InetSendSaveCmd method. This generates another InetReceiveCmd event on the server.

InetReceiveCmd event

InetReceiveRsp event

The server calls the InetSendSaveRsp method in response to receiving the InetSendSaveCmd method call from the client. This generates another InetReceiveRsp eventon the client.

InetSendSaveRsp method

InetDisconnect method

The client has finished sending all the commands and closes the connection to the server. This generates an InetDisconnected event on the server.

InetDisconnected event